Employment service organization, Iran, interregional labour clearance, IRA/70/018, technical report 2
Employment service organization, Iran, interregional labour clearance, IRA/70/018, technical report 2 / report prepared for the Government of Iran by the International Labour Organisation acting as executing agency for the United Nations Development Programme.
Published by
Geneva : United Nations Development Programme : International Labour Organisation, 1975.
Employment service organization, Iran, interregional labour clearance, IRA/70/018, technical report 2 / report prepared for the Government of Iran by the International Labour Organisation acting as executing agency for the United Nations Development Programme.
Geneva : United Nations Development Programme : International Labour Organisation, 1975.
Microfiche. New York : New York Public Library, [19--]. 1 microfiche : negative ; 11 x 15 cm. (FSN) 34,085)