27 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, b&w; 88x177mm. or smaller.
Views of Haverhill, Mass., and vicinity: general views showing homes, a long covered bridge over the Merrimack, yards with fruit trees, and views from outside the town showing farm land and houses in foreground; some views show town in winter with snow; streets including Merrimack, showing commercial buildings including a furniture warehouse; large industrial buildings along the the river; the covered bridge; a flood view showing buildings in a couple feet of water; woman standing next to Soldiers' Monument; Grace Church; an interior view of a church on its twentieth anniversary in 1879 showing decorations; [Winnedeni] castle, a building with towers and crenelation; men fighting a fire as crowd looks on; a small steamboat in motion on the river; men in rowboats; women standing on a hill side hear a brook; John Greenleaf Whittier's home, Fernside Farm, showing a farmhouse with stone fences, 3 sightseers on a hill above the farm, visitors at a site refered to in "Telling of the Bees," near a brook; trees reflected in flood waters; French Canadian Fair in City hall, showing decorations, gallery seats; view of "Pagoda and gallery" from the stage of city hall during the Odd Fellows' Fair; interior view of Odd Fellows New Hall showing dais, elaborate panelling and murals.