92 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, b&w; 91x178mm. or smaller.
Views of the Hoosac tunnel on the Fitchburg Railroad: primarily construction views, including the railroad and river at eastern end of tunnel; views of the east and west portals, early in construction, when complete, from the interior, with equipment and men, one view showing miners entering tunnel in small train with flatcars; miners with drills at work deep in the tunnel; the central shaft, including a view after a naptha explosion (1867) where thirteen were killed, showing people at the top of the shaft awaiting the recovery of bodies; general view of central shaft, entrance to the shaft, machinery used to compress air, view showing engineers at work outside central shaft building; miners descending the west shaft with the Burleigh drill; the machine shop; men and children posed at the blacksmith's shop; Prof. Mowbray's nitro-glycerine works at the west shaft; men going down Hockins' well; steam shovel at work; the "N.C.Munson," first engine through Hoosac tunnel; Jenks & Rice's hotel, including views of covered bridge over Deerfield River, Fred Grant's party at the hotel; Hoosac house, train stopped in front; views in the vicinity of the tunnel, including the mountain, farm in the foreground; a natural bridge, a cascade above east portal (water diverted to wash holes while drilling); dam for diversion of water; dam on the Deerfield above the machine shop; Shelburne falls including general views and the rapids; a marble quarry; stone dam at Glen Mill.