Stereoscopic views of health and welfare buildings, New York City Title Stereoscopic views of health and welfare buildings, New York City [graphic]. Published by [1860?-1880?] Details Additional authors Woodward, C. W. (Charles Warren) E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm) Visit to "Central Park" in the summer of 1863. 1191. E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm) Public buildings in N.Y. City & Brooklyn. 086, 5087, 5089. E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm) Views in New York City and cicinity. 9087. Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views Description 21 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, b&w; 88 x 178mm. or smaller. Summary Views of Health and Welfare buildings and activities: children in yard of Home for the Friendless, and at Thanksgiving dinner; Five Points Mission; quarantine hospital, and samll pox hospital, Blackwell's Island; asylum for the Blind; Catholic Orphan Asylum, Madison Ave.; City Hospital; Episcopal Home; Eye and Ear Asylum; Frnch Hospital, 42nd and Lexington; Presbyterian Hospital, 73rd between 4th and Madison; Roosevelt Hospital; St. Lukes Hospital; Stewart's Home for Women; men, women and children on the steps of the Deaf and Dumb Institute. Alternative title American scenery. American views, New York City. Subject Children Hospitals > New York (State) > New York Institutional care > New York (State) > New York Missions > New York (State) > New York Orphanages > New York (State) > New York Manhattan (New York, N.Y.) Genre/Form Group portraits. Albumen prints. Photographic prints. Stereographs. Call number MFY Dennis Coll 91-F208 Note Title devised by cataloger. Includes views by Anthony, C. W. Woodward and other photographers and publishers. Access (note) Restricted access; Cite as (note) Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views. Title Stereoscopic views of health and welfare buildings, New York City [graphic]. Imprint [1860?-1880?] Restricted access Restricted access; Photography Collection; Permit must be requested at division indicated. Cite as: Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views. Connect to: NYPL Digital Collections Added author Woodward, C. W. (Charles Warren) Publisher New York City and vicinity. 1379, 1383. E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm) Visit to "Central Park" in the summer of 1863. 1191. E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm) Public buildings in N.Y. City & Brooklyn. 086, 5087, 5089. E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm) Views in New York City and cicinity. 9087. Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views. Added title American scenery. American views, New York City. Research call number MFY Dennis Coll 91-F208 View in legacy catalogNavigation arrow Help and Feedback