Formal portraits of government officials, military officers, diplomats and other dignitaries and their families. Title Formal portraits of government officials, military officers, diplomats and other dignitaries and their families. [graphic] / Mathew B. Brady. Published by 1860-1879. Author Brady, Mathew B., approximately 1823-1896 Details Additional authors Romana Javitz Collection. Description 42 photographic prints : silver gelatin, b&w; 24 x 19.5 cm. and smaller. Summary Formal portraits of government officials, military officers, statesmen, dignitaries and diplomats, probably in Brady's studio in Washington, D.C. Many of the sitters are unidentified. Others include portraits of the families and/or spouses of the above. Subject Davis, J. C. Bancroft 1822-1907 Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893 Boutwell, George S. 1818-1905 Catacazy, Madame Creswell, John A. J., 1828-1891 Custer, George A. 1839-1876 Fessenden, William Pitt, 1806-1869 Fish, Hamilton, 1808-1893 Gallaudet, Edward Miner, 1837-1917 Grant, Ulysses S. 1822-1885 Hancock, Winfield Scott, 1824-1886 Hoar, E. R. 1816-1895 Logan, John Alexander, 1826-1886 Piatt, Donn, 1819-1891 Robeson, George M. 1929-1897 Sheridan, Philip Henry, 1831-1888 Sprague, William, 1831-1915 Williams, George H. 1823-1910 Wilson, Henry, 1812-1875 Children Children's clothing & dress Daggers & swords Education of handicapped persons > United States Eyeglasses Families Government officials > United States Jewelry Journalists > United States Judges > United States Legislators > United States Light fixtures Medals Military officers > United States Military uniforms > United States Photographic studios > United States Postmasters > United States Presidents > United States Spouses Statesmen > United States Vice-presidents > United States Women Washington (D.C.) Genre/Form Portraits. Photographic prints. Silver gelatin photographic prints. Call number MFZ (Brady) 93-6192 Note Collection stamps, paper labels, verso. Printed from original negatives, ca. 1950, from the ANSCO Collection now at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Access (note) Restricted access; Indexed in (note) See U.S Camera Annual 1951 for account of Brady photographs in ANSCO Collection. Cite as (note) Romana Javitz Collection. Terms of use (note) Apply to the Office of Special Collections for permission to reproduce. Provenance (note) Received in Picture Collection, NYPL, from ANSCO, May 1950. Picture Collection transfer, 1991. Author Brady, Mathew B., approximately 1823-1896, photographer. Title Formal portraits of government officials, military officers, diplomats and other dignitaries and their families. [graphic] / Mathew B. Brady. Imprint 1860-1879. Restricted access Restricted access; Photography Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated. Indexed in: See U.S Camera Annual 1951 for account of Brady photographs in ANSCO Collection. Cite as: Romana Javitz Collection. Terms of use Apply to the Office of Special Collections for permission to reproduce. Finding aids Detailed inventory available. Provenance Received in Picture Collection, NYPL, from ANSCO, May 1950. Picture Collection transfer, 1991. Added author Romana Javitz Collection. Research call number MFZ (Brady) 93-6192 View in legacy catalogNavigation arrow Help and Feedback