1 album (36 photographic prints) : albumen, b&w; 22 x 28 or smaller in album approx. 36 x 46 cm.
Views in China: Chinese men and women, including views of men in summer and winter costume, and a view of a lady's bound foot; a street sweet seller; chiropodist examining man's foot; itinerant cook shop; Shanghai: women on a barrow carriage; sedan chairs and a "cab stand"; procession of a Mandarin going to court; rolling cotton in preparation for weaving; two men smoking opium; temple musicians; Chinese orchestra; Soochow women playing dominoes; a fortune teller; men kowtowing in Justices Court; men in cangues; man about to be decapitated; sampans; Hong Kong: roads and paths through lush verdure; gardens; harbor views; building; a church.