56 photographic prints : silver gelatin, b&w; 11 x 8 cm. or smaller.
Published views depict French, American and British troops: in trenches, observation posts, with artillery, including in winter, in tanks advancing, wounded awaiting evacuation, and in camp; aircraft including a "French Sausage" balloon, chasse and caudron planes, Captain Georges Guynemer in plane on ground and in flight,; searchlights and plane at night a Le Bourget; Clemenceau visiting French aviation camp; a U.S. cemetery at Belleau Wood; American ships including sailors and anti-submarine guns on U.S.S. Rumpler; U.S.S. Lianga at Bourdeaux, depth charges on U.S.S. Rambler; views of Germans include casualities, destroyed German guns, trenches and cemetery, downed German planes. Views of war damage include ruined homes and churches, remains of railroad bridge over the Marne, bridge in Chateau Thierry and Mousson, ruins in Rheims, cathedral beyond; men working in mined street in Noyon, explosion of German time bomb, Cambrai. Also included is a view of young Alsatian women in traditional dress. Locations and battles include Marne, Oise, Aisne, Meuse, Somme. Snapshots include a Salmson bomber and men posing with large tank.
Most of the photographs have captions in negative. Also included are two snapshots, one with caption in ink on verso.
Also includes materials relating to David Rothman's service in World War I with Co. B., 2nd Pioneer Infantry: a leave pass from the Provost Marshall; a letter, General Orders No. 38-A, G.H.Q., American Expeditionary Forces, France, February 28, 1919 from Gen. John J. Pershing praising and thanking the troops of the A.E.F; a typescript of a notebook kept by Rothman.
Access (note)
Restricted access;
Provenance (note)
Gift of Rita Rothman in memory of David Rothman, 1983.
Photographs of World War I France [graphic].
Restricted access
Restricted access; Photography Collection; Permit must be requested at division indicated.
Gift of Rita Rothman in memory of David Rothman, 1983.