1 streaming audio file (approximately 25 minutes): digital
Streaming audio file (approximately 25 minutes). [Music and introduction of program, World of dance, and of the hosts, Marion Horosko and Alvin H. Reiss.] Marion Horosko and Alvin H. Reiss describe the award venue and some of the people present; Alvin H. Reiss interviews Arnold Sommers, President of Capezio Fashions and nephew of Ben Sommers, founder of the Capezio dance award. Sommers speaks with Reiss about the criteria and origins of the Capezio award including the original award committee members and the choice of Agnes de Mille for this year's award; a representative of Senator Jacob Javits speaks about Agnes de Mille's varied and illustrious career; after reading the award committee's remarks, he presents the award; De Mille expresses her gratitude for the award; she speaks about her friendship with Senator Javits including anecdotes; progress in the dance profession including increased pay and better working conditions for dancers, the growth of unions, copyright laws, and dance in colleges and universities, the National Council on the Arts, and the growing number of state councils on the arts. De Mille's acceptance is followed by Horosko's remarks on the scene and Reiss's interview of De Mille. [Closing remarks and announcements; music.]
Excerpts from the presentation ceremony, of the Capezio Dance award to Agnes de Mille, at the St. Regis Hotel, New York City; recorded on March 3, 1966, by radio station WNYC for its series, World of dance, with co-hosts Marian Horosko and Alvin H. Reiss. The introduction to, and the closing remarks of the radio program, appear to have been recorded separately, in the studio.
Sound quality is good overall. The recording is marred at times by ambient noise, but the speakers' voices are loud and easily intelligible.
Title supplied by cataloger.
Access (note)
Access only on site at the research libraries of The New York Public Library.
Funding (note)
The processing and cataloging of this recording was made possible in part by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. The support of the National Endowment for the Arts is also gratefully acknowledged.
Capezio dance award presentation to Agnes de Mille.
Type of content
spoken word
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
Digital file characteristics
audio file
Recorded at The St. Regis Hotel for WNYC March 3, 1966 New York (N.Y.)
The processing and cataloging of this recording was made possible in part by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. The support of the National Endowment for the Arts is also gratefully acknowledged.
Restricted access
Access only on site at the research libraries of The New York Public Library.
Original version
Original format: one sound reel (approximately 25 minutes); full-track; 7.5 ips; 7 in.; transferred to wav file and streaming file format in 2015: myd_mgzto7104_v01f01_sc.
Local note
Archival original: *MGZTO 7-104; 7 1/2 in. per sec.; 7 in. reel; acetate. Restored and rehoused in 2015 following water damage to the original recording.
Dubbing master: *MGZTD 10-104; 7 1/2 in. per sec.; 10 in. reel; polyester.
Preservation funded by the National Initiative to Preserve American Dance (NIPAD).