1 streaming file (approximately 28 min.) : digital
Streaming file (approximately 28 minutes), Merce Cunningham discusses his technique, choreography and dance company, followed by a discussion of his collaboration with John Cage, his choreographic method and rehearsal procedure, and works in his repertory, notably Septet, Suite for five, Aeon, and Night wandering. He concludes with comments on Bo Nilsson, composer of the music for Night wandering, the company's recent world tour, audiences, and the future of modern dance.
Interview with Merce Cunningham conducted by Marion Horosko as host for radio station WNYC, New York, on its series, World of dance, in 1965.
As of April 2023, the audio recording of this interview can be made available at The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts by advanced request to the Jerome Robbins Dance Division, dance@nypl.org.
Sound quality is good overall. The recording is marred by mild "tape hiss," but the speakers' voices are always clearly intelligible.
Title supplied by cataloger.
Cunningham, Merce, interviewee.
Interview with Merce Cunningham.
Playing time
Type of content
spoken word
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
Digital file characteristics
audio file
Recorded for radio station WNYC, New York, on its series, World of dance 1965 New York (N.Y.).
Original version
Original format: one sound reel (approximately 28 minutes); 3 3/4 in. per sec.; 5 in. reel; acetate, dual track.
Local note
Preservation funded by the National Initiative to Preserve American Dance.