CONTENTS: Sarabande pour une femme (1704). Choreography: Louis Pécour. Music: J. B. Lully. Danced by Wendy Hilton. -- Gigue, composed for Mlle Subligny. Choreography: Pécour. Danced by Wendy Hilton. -- Explanation of Feuillet dance notation. -- Minuet. Gavotte for Louis XV. Danced by children. -- Demonstration of steps and arm movements. -- Canarie, from Alcide (1712). Music: Louis de Lully and Marin Marais. Danced by Wendy Hilton. -- Comments on movement style and costume of the period. -- Sarabande pour une femme, danced in short modern tunic by Wendy Hilton.
Call number
*MGZIDF 6387
Lecture demonstration by Wendy Hilton, assisted by Sonya Monosoff, violin, and two young dancers, Victoria Brown and David Castro.
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Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
The art of dancing: French dances of the 17th and 18th centuries [electronic resource]
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Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.