Titles in French. Videotaped in performance in the Parvis de l'Opéra, Paris, on July 4, 1986 as part of the series Dancing in Paris, co-produced by the Théâtre National de l'Opéra and Dancing in the Streets, Inc./Elise Bernhardt during the centennial celebrations for the Statue of Liberty. Videotape directors: Pascale Humbert, Thomas-Edouard Bonfils.
Choreographic coordination: Yoshiko Chuma, assisted by Harry Whittaker Sheppard. Sound montage: Jacob Burckhardt and L.B. Dallas. Costumes: House of Kenzo.
Performed by members of the Groupe de Recherche Chorégraphique de l'Opéra de Paris: Martine Clary, Fabienne Compet, Marie-Eve Edelsen, Pascale Ferrari, Florence Lambert, Jean-Claude Ciappara, Renaud Fauviau, André LaFonta, Jean-Christophe Paré, and Jean-Hugues Tanto.
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