1 streaming video file of 3 (NTSC) (59 min.) : si., col. and b&w.
CONTENTS. - Reel 1: In the clearing #1 (b&w with brief color footage at end). University of Chicago, 1936. Danced by Marian Van Tuyl, Eleanor Lauer, Alice Davis, and Ruth Ann Heisey. Part of middle of dance is missing.--In the clearing #2 (color). Mills College, 1947 (restaging of 1936 choreography). Danced by Marian Van Tuyl concert group. Ending is missing.--Chaconne [Fanfare] (color). Mills College, 1939. Danced by Van Tuyl and concert group.--Two archaic dances: Triumphant figure and Epilogue to victory (b&w). University of Chicago, 1936-1937. Danced by Van Tuyl (soloist) and trio. Brief shot at end of Van Tuyl teaching Epilogue.--Out of one happening: Final dance (color). Mills College, 1938. Danced by Van Tuyl and concert group. Ending is missing.--Fads and fancies in the academy: A gentle satire on progressive education (b&w and color). Mills College, summer 1940. Scenery/costumes: Chicago School of Design (New Bauhaus), directed by L. Moholy-Nagy with Gyorgy Kepes. Danced by Van Tuyl and concert group.--Cortège (color). Mills College, 1942. Danced by Van Tuyl and concert group.--Entertainment piece (color). Mills College, 1942-1943. Danced by Van Tuyl, Lauer, and Heisey.--In time of waiting: Entrance into limbo, Transition ritual, Immediate destiny (color). San Francisco, 1947. Scenery: Claire Falkenstein. Danced by members of the San Francisco Dance League.
Call number
*MGZIDF 9921
Compilation of motion pictures documenting the works of the modern dancer/choreographer Marian Van Tuyl, particularly those created at the University of Chicago and Mills College during the 1930s and 1940s.
Choreography/costumes: Marian Van Tuyl (except where otherwise noted).
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Funding (note)
Preservation of this video was supported by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
Marian Van Tuyl [electronic resource]
Restricted access
Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Preservation of this video was supported by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.