SUMMARY: Videotaped at two different performances on April 10, 1981 by D. A. Pennebaker. For another recording of the student performance, see: *MGZIDF 3551 (formerly *MGZIC 9-950 cassette 48). For other recordings of the Denishawn performance, see *MGZIDF 3550, 3551 (formerly *MGZIC 9-950 cassettes 47, and 51) and *MGZIC 9-950 cassette 50. CONTENTS: Selections from a student performance (approx. 23 min.): Wool socks. Chor.: Mary Ritter. Music: Ricky Lee Jones. Perf. by dancers from the State University of New York at Buffalo: Monique Dash, Anne Marie Moylan, and Susan Kirsons (?). -- Prelude: Excerpt. Chor.: Barbara England. Music: Miles Davis. Perf. by dancers from Rockland Community College. -- Untitled. Chor./perf.: Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, from New York University School of the Arts. Music: Steve Reich (Violin phase). No audio at beginning of work. -- A Denishawn suite of music visualizations: Excerpts (approx. 24 min.). Staged by Robin Rice Baker. Lighting: John Conway. Performed by members of the Dance Corps at Purchase, accompanied by pianist Oleg Zvorykin. -- Child's play (Hommage à Denishawn II). Chor./film: Carolyn Brown. Music: Robert Schumann (selections from Kinderszenen and Bunte Blätter). Cos.: Sandra Woodall. Perf. by Robin Rice Baker. -- Floor plastique. Chor: Denishawn school exercise. Music: Francis Thomé (Sous la feuillée. Perf. by the ensemble. -- Valse à la Loïe. Chor.: Ruth St. Denis. Music: Frédéric Chopin (Waltz, no. 14, op. posth.). Perf. by Nancy Langsner and Lisa Schmidt. --
De Lachau waltz. Chor:. St. Denis. Music: Ada de Lachau. Perf. by Sheryl Pollard, Brenda Chambers, Holly Greif, Denise Roberts, Kathryn Warakomsky. -- Soaring. Chor.: St. Denis and Doris Humphrey. Music: Schumann (Aufschwung: Fantasiestücke, Op. 12). Perf. by Donna Tambussi, Angelique d'Addario, Nancy Langsner, Cathleen McCarthy, and Lisa Schmidt.
Call number
*MGZIDF 3526
Video documentation of the festival The early years: American modern dance from 1900 through the 1930s, hosted by SUNY College at Purchase, New York, on April 9-12, 1981, under the sponsorship of State University of New York, University-Wide Programs in the Arts. Festival director: Patricia Kerr Ross. Video producer: Daniel Labeille.
For printed program of the festival, see: *MGZB The early years (1981 : Purchase, N.Y.) [Programs].
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Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
The early years: Student performance (excerpts) [and] A Denishawn suite (excerpts) [electronic resource]
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Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.