SUMMARY: Videotaped by D. A. Pennebaker. Candid footage, interspersed with snatches of informal conversations, recorded after a dinner for honored guests. Those who are heard speaking include Gertrude Shurr, Barton Mumaw, Jane Sherman and her husband Ned Lehac, Dorothy Bird, Marion Rice, Eve Gentry, Thomas Lask, Letitia Ide, Eleanor King, and Nik Krevitsky. Also glimpsed on camera are Helen Priest Rogers, May O'Donnell, Kenneth Bostock, Selma Jeanne Cohen, and Harriette Ann Gray. Some of the topics discussed are the book Barton Mumaw, dancer, written by Sherman and Mumaw; Sherman's reconstruction of Ted Shawn's Boston fancy; Gentry's work in developing a body training technique based on the Pilates method; and King's creation of American folk suite and Ode to freedom at the Bennington School of the Dance. The guests also discuss the various events of the festival.
Call number
*MGZIDF 3556
Video documentation of the festival The early years: American modern dance from 1900 through the 1930s, hosted by SUNY College at Purchase, New York, on April 9-12, 1981, under the sponsorship of State University of New York, University-Wide Programs in the Arts. Festival director: Patricia Kerr Ross. Video producer: Daniel Labeille.
For printed program of the festival, see: *MGZB The early years (1981 : Purchase, N.Y.) [Programs].
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
The early years: [After-dinner conversations] [electronic resource]
Restricted access
Patrons can access streaming video file only at the Library for the Performing Arts.