EM1. The brave old Hendrick, the great Sachem or Chief of the Mohawk Indians, one of the Six Nations now in Alliance with, and Subject to the King of Great Britain -- EM5. The Honble. William Shirley Esqr. / James McArdell -- EM8. B. Wentworth Gov. of New Hampshire from 1741 to 1767 / S.A. Schoff -- EM17. James Hamilton Governor of Pennyslvania / [Max Rosenthal?] -- EM22. City Hall Albany -- EM23. Albany, from Van-Unsselaens [van Rensselaer's] Island / Fenner Sears & Co. -- EM24. Southwest view of Fort George with the City of New York -- EM25. J. Belcher Governor of New Jersey / David McNeely Stauffer -- EM27. Fort Frederick -- EM28. Fort Frederick (plan) -- EM33. Schuyler Coat of Arms -- EM35. A South View of Oswego, on Lake Ontario, in North America -- EM36. Sir William Johnson Major General of the English Forces in America / Charles Spooner -- EM37. His Excellency Arthur Dobbs Esq. Captain General, Governour in Chief & Vice Admiral of the Provence of North Carolina in America / James McArdell -- EM38. His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales &c. / John Smith
EM40. On l'a vu désarmer les Tirans et les Dieux / Carmontelle -- EM42. [Wampum] Plate V / Louis N. Rosenthal -- EM45. [George III, King of Great Britain France & Ireland &c.] -- EM49. A North View of Fort Frederic or Crown Point / Proud -- EM53. Robert Dinwiddie Governor of Virginia / [Max Rosenthal?] -- EM54. Fort Duquesne / A.L. Dick --EM55. A View of the S.W. Shore of Cape Breton Island, from St. Peter's Bay Eastward -- EM56. [Old Courthouse] -- EM57. Sr. William Johnson Bart. Major General of the English Forces in North America -- EM59. A North View of Fort Johnson drawn on the spot by Mr. Guy Johnson Sir Wm. Johnson's Son / J. Hulett -- EM61. Wm. Livingston, Governor of New Jersey -- EM62. [Wm. Alexander] / J. N. Gimbrede -- EM64. State Street Looking East from Lodge to Broadway / Lossing-Barritt -- EM67. George II. Born Octr. 30, 1683, Ascended the throne June 11, 1727, and Died at Kensington Octr. 25 1760 / Grainger -- EM69. A View on the Mohawk River / Tiebout -- EM70. Henri VII -- EM71. Sebastien Cabot explaining his discoveries to Henry VII / E. Thompson -- EM72. Vespuccius / E. Thompson --EM73. Sebastiean Cabot. From the Original in the Possession of Charles Josh. Hartford Esqr. -- EM74. James the First, King of Great Britain / Charles Turner -- EM75. A View of Niagara Fort, taken by Sir William Johnson, on the 25th of July 1759, Drawn on the Spot in 1758
EM76. A view of the entrance of St. John's Newfoundland / J. Wells -- EM78. Louis XV, Roi de France / Nargeot -- EM81. Cunne Shote, the Indian Chief, A great Warrior of the Cherokee Nation -- EM82. Benjamin Franklin Né à Boston le 17 Janvier 1706 -- EM84. Thomas Pownall Esqr. Member of Parliament, Late Governor Captain General and Commander in Chief, and Vice Admiral of his Majesty's Provinces Massachusetts Bay & South Carolina; & Lieut. Governor of New Jersey / Richard Earlom -- EM89. Sr. William Johnson Bart. Major General of the English Forces in North America / Gravit & Duthie -- EM93. William Smith 1697-1769 Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province of New York from an original Miniature by Wollaston / H.B. Hall & Sons -- EM96. Hutchinson 18th Governor of Massachusetts -- EM106. Stephen Hopkins Signer of the Declaration of Independence / Max Rosenthal -- EM 113. John Penn Colonial Governor of Pa. / Albert Rosenthal -- EM115. Rev. Richard Peters Died July 10th 1776 Aged 72 / Max Rosenthal -- EM117. Isaac Norris Delegate to the Albany Convention of 1754 / Max Rosenthal -- EM119. Franklin (Benjamin) / H.W. Smith.
Call number
Title from Calendar of Emmet Collection.
Printmakers include James McArdell, Benson John Lossing and Charles Spooner. Draughtsmen include David McNeely Stauffer.
Access (note)
Restricted access;
Cite as (note)
Emmet Collection.
Biography (note)
Collection formed by Thomas Addis Emmet, presented to the New York Public Library in 1900 by John S. Kennedy.
Indexes/finding aids (note)
Finding aid available.
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.
Emmet, Thomas Addis, 1828-1919. Collector
The Albany Congress of 1754 [graphic]
Restricted access
Restricted access; Print Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
Cite as:
Emmet Collection.
Linking entry
Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.
Collection formed by Thomas Addis Emmet, presented to the New York Public Library in 1900 by John S. Kennedy.