EM11143. [Schuyler] -- EM11144. G. Washington -- EM11145. Made. Genet (Cornelia Clinton) -- EM11146. Jefferson / W. Holl -- EM11147. Edmund Randolph / H.B. Hall -- EM11148. Robespierre / Geoffroy -- EM11149. E. C. Genet / H.B. Hall -- EM11151 Brockholst Livingston -- EM11153 Broadway from the Bowling Green / Wm. J. Bennett -- EM11154. Bowling Green / Lith. of Chs. Magnus -- EM11155. Gen. George Washington -- EM11157. Trinity Church Broadway, N.Y., rebuilt 1788 / Geo. Hayward -- EM11158. Christ Church / J.F.E. Prudhomme -- EM11160. Residence of the Post Family Now Claremont Hotel / Lith. of Sarony Major & Knapp -- EM11162. Daniel D. Tompkins / T. Woolnoth -- EM11163. Hon. Richard Riker / S.H. Gimber -- EM11166. Edward Livingston / El Wellmore -- EM11168. New York from Hobuck [sic] -- EM11170. Intérieure de New-York, rue de Provost et Chapel / Villeneuve -- EM11171. Sailor's Snug Harbor, S.I. / Narine & Co. -- EM11172. Old Residences on Murray Hill / S. Weingartner's Lith. -- EM11173. The Last of Kissing Bridge on the Old Boston Road / Lith. of Sarony Major & Knapp.
EM11174. View of Kingsbridge Road Near Dykemans Farm -- EM11175. Sperry's Garden, on Bowery Lane -- EM11176. John Jacob Astor -- EM11177. Strawberry Hill Hotel, now Woodlawn / G. Hayward -- EM11178. Sr. Peter Warren Vice Admiral of the Red Squadron of His Majesties Fleet / J. Faber -- EM11179. Lady Warren -- EM11181. Residence of Abraham Van Nest Esqr. / G. Hayward -- EM11183. Residence of the late Bishop Moore / G. Hayward -- EM11186. Mrs. Robert Murray entertaining British officers, while Putnam escapes / E.A. Abbey -- EM11187. The Varian Tree in Broadway between 26th & 27th Sts. / Lith. of Major & Knapp -- EM11190 Mrs. Coventry Wardell / F. Halpin -- EM11191. The Beekman House / N. Orr -- EM11192. Belvidere Club House / G. Hayward -- EM11193. Residence of the late Col. Marinus Willett, Mayor of New York / G. Hayward -- EM11194. The De Lancey House as it is To-day -- EM11195. The Roger Morris House -- EM11196. Madame Jumel -- EM11197. No. 1 Broadway, New-York / G. Hayward -- EM1198. [No. 1 Broadway from the Battery] / Eliza Greatorex -- EM11200. [State Prison Greenwich Village] -- EM11201. Charity Hospital [Blackwell's Island] -- EM11202. Bellevue Hospital -- EM11203. Stephen Allen / J.C Buttre -- EM11204. Sing Sing Prison and Tappan Sea / H. Adlard -- Em11205. Hall of Records / W. Wellstood -- EM11206. N.Y. House of Refuge / G. Hayward.
EM11207. [Randals Island] / Hayes -- EM11209. Samuel Bard, M.D. L.L.D. / W. Main -- EM11210. New York City Hospital / Strong -- EM11211. Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane / Speer -- EM11212. College of Physicians and Surgeons of the University of the State of New-York / I.E. West -- EM11217. David Hosack, M.D., F.R.S. / A.B. Durand -- EM11218. [Wm. H. MacSeven] / H.B. Hall -- EM11219. Valentine Mott M.D. Professor of Surgery in the University of New York / A.B. Durand -- EM11220. John W. Francis / J.F.E. Prudhomme -- EM11221. Jno. Griscom / A.H. Ritchie -- EM11222. Joseph M. Smith / A.H. Ritchie -- EM11223. Theodric Romeyn Beck, M.D. / E. Prudhomme -- EM11224. Alexander H. Stevens, M.D., Pres. Coll. of Physicians & Surgeons N.Y. -- EM11225. Delafield Mansion, 77th St. N.Y. -- EM11226. The Right Reverend Benjamin Moore D.D. / J.W. Paradise -- EM11227. William Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. Third President of Columbia College -- EM11228. The Sailors' Snug Harbor, Staten Island, New York, The Home for Disabled Seamen -- EM11229. To the Honourable Rip Van Dam, Esq. this View of the New Dutch Church is most humbly dedicated -- EM11230. Archibald Laidlie, D.D. -- EM11231. Lambertus de Bonde -- EM11232. Rev. John H. Livingston, D.D., President of Rutgers College / O. Pelton -- EM11233. Gerardus A. Kuypers, D.D. -- EM11234. John Knox -- EM11235. Thomas De Witt.
EM11236. Old Dutch Church & Old House, cor. of William & Fulton Sts. -- EM11237. Burning of the Steeple of the Old North Dutch Church, New York -- EM11238. John N. Abeel, D.D. -- EM11239. St. John's Chapel / J.B. Forrest -- EM11240. View on Broadway / J.H. Buffords Lithogy. -- EM11241. John Henry Hobart, D.D. / J.C. Buttre -- EM11244. W.C. Brownlee -- EM11245. Th. S. Wemidge [?]
Call number
MEZP (Room 307)
Title from Calendar of Emmet Collection.
Printmakers include J.H. Bufford, H.B. Hall, Geo. Hayward, Major & Knapp, A.H. Ritchie.
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Restricted access;
Cite as (note)
Emmet Collection.
Indexes/finding aids (note)
Finding aid available.
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of Booth's History of New York in Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.
Emmet, Thomas Addis, 1828-1919. Collector
Booth's History of New York. [graphic]
Restricted access
Restricted access; Print Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
Cite as:
Emmet Collection.
Linking entry
Forms part of Booth's History of New York in Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.
Finding aid available.
Added author
Booth, Mary L. (Mary Louise), 1831-1889.
Bufford, John H. Lithographer
Hall, Henry Bryan, 1808-1884. Engraver
Hayward, Geo. (George), active 1834-1872. Lithographer
Ritchie, Alexander Hay, 1822-1895. Engraver
Major & Knapp Engraving, Manufacturing & Lithographic Co.