Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. (NN)NYPG95-F274.
84 prints : etching, engraving, mezzotint, lithograph, wood engraving, some col.; 36 x 50.1 cm. or smaller.
Portraits of individuals, events and sites associated with the American Revolution, including the Battle of Harlem Heights, the Battle of Long Island and the Battle of White Plains.
EM6800. Sir Henry Clinton -- EM6800A. [Allegorical border with view of New York] -- EM6802. Charles Cotesworth Pickney [sic] / Albert Rosenthal -- EM6804. Haddrils Point near Charleston S.C. / Hill -- EM6806. Ashley River, near Charleston -- EM6808. Marriott Arbuthnot Esq. / H.R. Cook -- EM6810. Genl. Anthony Walton White / A.H. Ritchie -- EM6815. Genl. Tonyn / G. Clint -- EM6818. Gen. Francis Marion -- EM6822. Genl. Francis Marion -- EM6823. Col. Wade Hampton -- EM6826. Gov: John Sevier -- EM6833... Prospect of Charles-Town... -- EM6835. Lt. Col. John Laurens / H.B. Hall -- EM6837. Hoogstraat / Tresling & Co. -- EM6838. Nieu Amsterdam een stedeken in Noord Amerikaes... / G. Hayward -- EM6840. View of New York from the North, 1679 -- EM6842. [Unidentified] -- EM6844. Edward Hyde Lord Cornbury afterw. 3rd Earl of Clarendon / Th. Lüberz -- EM6845. Colonel Thomas Dongan, Governor of New York 1682 -- EM6850. A South Prospect of ye flourishing City of New-York... / G. Hayward -- EM6853. A South West View of the City of New York in North America / P. Canot.
EM6854. Burns' Coffee House, in which the first non-importation agreement of the colonies was signed... -- EM6859. John Sloss Hobart U.S. Senator from N.Y. / MR -- EM6864. Lieut. Gov. Cadwallader Colden / P. Purdon Graham -- EM6865. A View of Fort George with the City of New York from the S.W. 1740 -- EM6866. [Thos.] James / W. Skelton -- EM6877. William Goddard Publisher of the Pennsylvania Chronicle 1767-1773 -- EM6883. John Alsop Member of the Continental Congress / MR -- EM6885. Myles Cooper, D.D., L.L.D. / Leney -- Em6886. Samuel Johnson, D.D. / Leney -- EM6888. A South East View of the City of New York in North American / P. Canot -- EM6893. Evert Duykinck [sic] -- EM6898. John Pontard -- EM6901. Danl. Pheeny [?] / C.G. Crehen -- EM6904. Gen. JOhn Morton -- EM6908. Wm. Walton / G.R. Hall -- EM6910. Isaac Roosevelt President 1786-1691 -- EM6913. The Old Stone House at Turtle Bay, N.Y. 1852 / G. Hayward -- EM6914. James Rivington / H.B. Hall -- EM6917. Hugh Gaine Printer and Bookseller / Albert Rosenthal -- EM6921. Rev. Samuel Seabury, Bishop D.D. / T. Gimbrede -- EM6925. Maj. Gen. Charles Lee / G.R. Hall -- EM6927. Old Earthworks on Chittenden's Estate - East Angle of Fort -- EM6928. Remains of Fort Washington N.Y. 1856 / G. Hayward - Remains of Fort George, N.Y. 1857 / Geo. Hayward -- EM6931. A View of New York, Governor's Island the River &c from Long Island / G. Hayward -- EM6932. George Washington -- Em6933. New York in 1768... / J. Kirk.
EM6934. View of the New York Hospital / Leney -- EM6937. [Reading of the Declaration of Independence in the Park] -- EM6940. His Most Sacraed Majesty George the III King of Great Britain &c. / C. Spooner -- EM6941. [Washington] -- EM6949. Israel Putnam Esq... -- EM6951. Saml. Miles -- EM6957. William Alexander Duer, L.L.D. -- EM6958. Beacon-fires on the Hudson in Celebration of Peace -- EM6959. Bedford Corners in 1776 (looking east along the road to Jamaica) -- EM6960. Maj. Gen. Lord Stirling / H.B. Hall -- EM6962. George Washington / Fenner Sears & Co. -- EM6963. Sketch on the Gowanus Road L.I. Washington's Head Quarters / F. & S. Palmer -- EM6964. Battle of Long Island / Jas. Smillie -- EM6967. Genl. Glover - Harbor of Marblehead -- EM6968. Jno. Shee -- EM6971. The Old Bushwick Church L.I. Built in 1711 / G. Hayward -- EM6973. Colonel John Montresor -- EM6975. [Richard Earl Howe] / [T. Burke] -- EM6977. [Lady Howe and Franklin in 1774] -- EM6978. The Honble. Sr. Wm. Howe -- EM6982. The Hale Homestead, South Coventry, Connecticut -- EM6982. Hale Monument / E.b. & E.C. Kellogg -- EM6983. Nathan Hale Monument -- EM6984. Last Words of Captain Nathan Hale, the Hero-Martyr of the American Revolution / A.H. Ritchie -- EM6987. James W. Beekman / F.W. Halpin -- EM6990. Maj. Thomas Knowlton -- EM6991. St. Pauls Church / H. Farrer -- EM6992. View of Broadway / Geo. Hayward -- EM6995. The Battle of Harlem Heights, September 16, 1776 -- EM6996. St. Pauls, Broadway, N.Y. / Fenner Sears & Co.
EM6998. General William Heath -- EM6999. Charles Lee Esqr. Amerianischer General-Major -- EM7000. Present appearance of the Battle Field [at White Plains] -- EM7002. Maj.-Gen. Alexander McDougall / Max Rosenthal -- Em7004. Washington in 1772 / J.W. Steel -- Em7006. Col. Lambert Cadwalader / H.B. Hall -- EM7008. Remains of Fort Tryon N.Y. 1858.
Call number
Printmakers include P. Canot, G.R. Hall, H.B. Hall, George Hayward and W.S. Leney.
Title from title page of extra-illustrated volume.
Access (note)
Restricted access;
Cite as (note)
Emmet Collection.
Indexes/finding aids (note)
Finding aid available.
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution in Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.
Emmet, Thomas Addis, 1828-1919. Collector
The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution, v. 2 (Chapter 31) [graphic]
Restricted access
Restricted access; Print Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
Cite as:
Emmet Collection.
Linking entry
Forms part of Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution in Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.