A set of cat prints, in various states, accompanied by title page, entitled Six croquis de chats à l'eau-forte; a set of prints comprising the series Première series six eaux-fortes dessineés & graveés par François Bonvin, with cover and title page, including prints of a Breton woman spinning, a child eating soup, an engraver at work, a cityscape, and a guitar player; a set of prints entitled Première suite de dix eaux-fortes, with title page and table of contents, including images of a Breton woman weaving, a child with dessert, a cityscape with two Breton women drawing water, and a Breton woman in an interior; a print of two women, one knitting and the other with a skein; miscellaneous prints, including portraits of Auguste Pequénot, the painter Lenain, a head of a woman, Lecamus, and a self portrait of the artist. These are accompanied by two caricatures (one relief, one intaglio) and two clippings.
B1A. Title page: Six croquis de chats à l'eau-forte, par François Bonvin, 1849 -- B1B. [Crouching cat] (1st state) -- B1B. [Crouching cat] (2nd state) -- B1C. [Crouching cat from behind] -- B1D. [Crouching cat from side] -- B1E. [Curled-up cat] -- B1F. [Sleeping cat] (1st state) -- B1F. [Sleeping cat] (2nd state) -- B1F. [Sleeping cat] (3rd state) -- B1F. [Sleeping cat] (4th state)
B1G. Auguste Péquénot (1st state) -- B1G. Auguste Péquénot (2nd state) -- B1G. Auguste Péquénot (3rd state)-- B1G. Auguste Péquénot (4th state) -- B1H. Le peintre Lenain (1st state) -- B1H. Le peintre Lenain (2nd state) -- B1I. Le peintre Lenain, la tête tournée à droite (1st state) -- B1I. Le peintre Lenain, la tête tournée à droite (2nd state) -- B1K. Tête de femme -- B1L. Le vieux Lecamus (1st state) -- B1L. Le vieux Lecamus (2nd state) -- B1L. Le vieux Lecamus (3rd state) -- B1L. Le vieux Lecamus (4th state) -- B1N. Son propre portrait -- B2A. Cover: Première Series Six Eaux-Fortes dessineés & graveés par François Bonvin -- B2Abis. Cover: Six Eaux-Fortes dessineés & graveés par François Bonvin -- B2-1. Title page: Les Instruments de l'eau-forte (1st state) -- B2-1. Title page: Les Instruments de l'eau-forte (2nd state) B2-1. Title page: Les Instruments de l'eau-forte (3rd state) -- B2-2. Filieuse bretonne (1st state) -- B2-2. Filieuse bretonne (2nd state) -- B2-2. Filieuse bretonne (3rd state) -- B2-3 Enfant mangeant sa soupe (1st state) -- B2-3. Enfant mangeant sa soupe (2nd state)
B2-4. Graveur, effect de lampe (1st state) -- B2-4. Graveur, effect de lampe (2nd state) -- B2-4. Graveur, effect de lampe (3rd state) -- B2-5. La Rue du Champ de l'Alouette (Les Miserables) (1st state) -- B2-5. La Rue du Champ de l'Alouette (Les Miserables) (2nd state) -- B2-6. Le Joueur de guitare (1st state) -- B2-6. Le Joueur de guitare (2nd state) -- B2-6. Le Joueur de guitare (3rd state) -- B3. Title page: Première Suite de Dix Eaux-fortes -- B3A. Table of contents: Publication A. Cadart. Dix Eaux-Fortes par Bonvin -- B3-7. La Tisserande (1st state) -- B3-7. La Tisserande (2nd state) -- B3-8. La Dessert (1st state) -- B3-8. La Dessert (1st state) -- B3-9 La Porte de St-Malo à Dinan -- B3-9. La Porte de St-Malo à Dinan -- B3-10. La Sortie de Cave -- B4. Bricoteuse (1st state) -- B4. Bricoteuse (2nd state)
Call number
Title devised by cataloger.
Accompanied by two illustrated clippings (La Dévideuse and Religieuses allant distribuer des vivres) and two caricatures by Bonvin.
Access (note)
Restricted access;
Cite as (note)
S.P. Avery Collection.
Indexes/finding aids (note)
Holdings checked in departmental copy of Henri Béraldi, Les graveurs du XIXe siècle, v. 2, p. 163-64.
Provenance (note)
Gift of Samuel Putnam Avery, 1900. B1A, B1B, B1C, B1D, B1E, B1F, B1G, B1H, B1I, B1K, B1L, B2Abis, B2-1, B2-1, B2-3, B2-4, B2-5, B2-6, B3-7, B3-8, and B4 are from the collection of Philippe Burty (Lugt 413).
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of the Samuel Putnam Avery Collection.
Bonvin, François, 1817-1887.
Cats, Breton women peasants and miscellaneous subjects [graphic]
Restricted access
Restricted access; Print Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
Cite as:
S.P. Avery Collection.
Linking entry
Forms part of the Samuel Putnam Avery Collection.
Holdings checked in departmental copy of Henri Béraldi, Les graveurs du XIXe siècle, v. 2, p. 163-64.
Gift of Samuel Putnam Avery, 1900. B1A, B1B, B1C, B1D, B1E, B1F, B1G, B1H, B1I, B1K, B1L, B2Abis, B2-1, B2-1, B2-3, B2-4, B2-5, B2-6, B3-7, B3-8, and B4 are from the collection of Philippe Burty (Lugt 413).