130 prints : etching, engraving, mezzotint, aquatint, stipple, lithograph, wood-engraving, some col.; 25 x 34.8 cm. or smaller.
Portraits of people and pictures of places and events associated with New York City during the American Revolution, compiled as extra-illustration for The history of the city of New York, v. 3, by Mary Louise Booth. One print is a reproduction of a silhouette. Subjects include stagecoaches, forts, the Battle of Harlem Heights and the Battle of Long Island.
EM10724. New York 1776 -- EM10726. Benjamin Franklin né à Boston dans la Nouvelle Angleterre -- EM10727. Samuel Johnson, D.D., first president of Columbia College / Leney sc. -- EM10730. Hugh Gaine printer and bookseller / Albert Rosenthal -- EM10732. Sir Charles Hardy Admiral of the White and Commander in Chief of his Majesty's fleet in the Channel / P. Dawe -- EM10735. Wm. Livingston -- EM10736. Ed. Ch. Genet ministre plenipotentiaire de la République francaise -- EM10737. [Wm. Walton] -- EM10738. The Walton House as it was -- EM10739. Sir Charles Hardy -- EM10742. The Rt. Honble. the Earl of Loudon -- EM10743. Sir William Johnson Major General of the English forces in America / Spooner -- EM10749. Jeffrey, First Lord Amherst / W.J. Ryall -- EM10750. George III / Grainger -- EM10751. The honble Robert Monkton Major General Governor of New York / Js. McArdell -- EM10753. Samuel Johnson, D.D. -- EM10754. American stage-coach of 1795 -- EM10756. John Watts / C.C. Crehen -- EM10753. St. George's Church and rectory, Beekman St. New York / Wm. Endicott & Co. -- EM10760. View of the light house at Sandy Hook / Tiebout -- EM10762. Jersey City from Communipaw Cove / Roberts -- EM10763. High Street, Philadelphia, with an American stage waggon / M. Marigot -- EM10764. View of Broadway / Geo. Hayward -- EM10765. The Provost -- EM10766. Major Robert Rogers Commander in Chief of the Indians in the back settlements of America -- EM10767. Methodist Church in John Street in olden times / N. Orr co.
EM10768. Brick church in Beekman Street, first opened for service in 1768 -- EM10769. [Cadwallader Colden] / P. Purdon Graham -- EM10770. Rt. Honble. George Grenville / W. Ridley -- EM10771. William Goddard publisher of the Pennsylvania Chronicle 1767-1773 -- EM10772. New York & City Banks and the McEvers mansion, Wall St. in 1800 the residence of Gen. Knyphausen during the Revolution / G. Hayward -- EM10773. [James McEvers] -- EM10776. Philip Livingston / J.B. Longacre -- EM10779. Grave of John Bolt -- EM10782. Eleazer Oswald Lieut. Colonel of the Revolutionary War / Alfred Rosenthal -- EM10785. A view of Fort George with the city of New-York from the S.W. 1740 / Geo. Hayward -- EM10786. John Earl of Bute / F. Cary -- EM10788. C. Colden, Esq. -- EM10789. [John Cruger] -- EM10794. General Murray -- EM10795. George the Third / P.W. Tomkins -- EM10796. Secretary Pitt / Ravenet -- EM10797. Tearing down the statue of George III -- EM10799. View of the 5th Ward Museum Hotel cor. West Broadway & Franklin St. 1864 / Major & Knapp; Public room at the 5th Ward Museum Hotel / Major & Knapp -- EM10800. South west view of Fort George with the city of New York -- EM10801. His sacred majesty King George III / W. Hopkins -- EM10803. Hutchinson 18th governor of Massachusetts -- EM10806. John Alsop member of the Continental Congress / MR -- EM10808. [Henry B. Dawson] -- EM10809. Your affectionate friend John Lamb / J.N. Gimbrede -- EM10812. The right honourable Lord North / E. Bocquet.
EM10815. The massacre in King Street (now State Street), Boston, March 5th, 1776 -- EM10816. His most gracious majesty George the Third / M.A. Bourlier sc. -- EM10818. John Murray Earl Dunmore Governor of Va. / MR -- EM10819. Philip Schuyler Esqr. Majr. Genl. in the American Service / Leney -- EM10820. New-York Hospital / G. Hayward -- EM10821. Demolition of the New York City Hospital grounds /sketched by A. R. Waud -- EM10822. Bank of New York, corner Wall and William Streets / J. Filmer sc. -- EM10823. New York & City Banks and the McEvers mansion, Wall St. in 1800 the residence of Gen. Knyphausen during the Revolution / G. Hayward -- EM10824. Street views no. 2 - Wall Street / W. Hoogland sc. -- EM10826. Liberty triumphant: or the downfall of oppression -- EM10828. Myles Cooper D.D., LL.D. second president of Columbia College / Leney -- EM10829. Old coffee-house and coffee-house slip -- EM10830. Paul Revere's ride - April 19, 1775 / drawn by Charles G. Bush -- EM10831. Paul Revere / S.A. Schoff -- EM10839. Carpenter's Hall, the place of the first Congress -- EM10840. New York Battery Castle Garden Bay Narrows Staten Isld. -- EM10846. Mr. Verplank Dutchess Cy. -- EM10856. Danl. Pheeny [?] / C.G. Crehen -- EM10861. James Beekman -- EM10879. The old stone house at Turtle Bay, N.Y. 1852 the building from which the Liberty Boys led by Willett took the King's stores / G. Hayward -- EM10880. David Wooster, Esqr. Commander in Chief of the Provincial Army against Quebec.
EM10881. Gouverneur Morris / J.B. Longacre -- EM10882. Ruins of Fort Ticonderoga - Lake Champlain / S.V. Hunt -- EM10883. The battle at Bunker's Hill / J.N. Gimbrede -- EM10886. Gen. James Clinton / H.B. Hall -- EM10889. View of the Hudson Highlands from West Point / James Smillie -- EM10890. James Rivington / H.B. Hall -- EM10892. Richmond Hill House, N.Y. / J.W. Orr -- EM10894. Thomas Paine / Illman & Sons -- EM10895. G. Washington / H.B. Hall -- EM10896. Thomas Jefferson / C. Tiebout -- EM10897. John Adams / C. Tiebout -- EM10898. Benjamin Franklin / T.B. Welsh -- EM10899. Robert R. Livingston / E. McKenzie -- EM10900. Roger Sherman / S.S. Jocelyn -- EM10901. Richard Henry Lee / P. Maverick & J.B. Longacre -- EM10902. [Morris] / H.B. Hall -- EM10903. Phil. Livingston -- EM10904. Francis Lewis / C.C. Wright -- EM10905. William Floyd / A.B. Durand -- EM10906. First reading of the Declaration of Independence in New York / drawn by A.R. Waud -- EM10907. The park fountains & City Hall N.Y. / James Smillie -- EM10908. Die Zerstörun der königlichen Bild Säule zu Neu Yorck / Francois Xav. Habermann -- EM10909. The right honble. Richard Lord Howe Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Fleet, in the Channel / Corbutt -- EM10910. Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Greene / H.B. Hall -- EM10911. Maj. Gen. John Sullivan / H.B. Hall -- EM10916. Bedford Corners, in 1776 / J.F. Davis Speer -- EM10918. Hugh, Earl Percy -- EM10919. Lieut. General Sir Wm. Erskine Bart. / S.W. Reynolds.
EM10920. Sir Henry Clinton, K.B. / F. Bartolozzi -- EM10921. Green-wod - Entrance ot the cemetery (from 27th Street) / J. Smillie -- EM10922. View from Battle Hill (Gowanus Heights, near New York) / James Smillie -- EM10923. The battle pass (in Prospect Park), Brooklyn / J.R. Davis-Speer -- EM10924. View of the house of Simon Aertsen de Hart still standing on Gowanes Bay in 1867 / Hayward & Co. -- EM10925. Marquis Cornwallis Commander in Chief of his Majesty's forces in New York North America / F. Bartolozzi -- EM10926. View of the house in New Utrecht, L.I. in which Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull died of his wounds in 1776 -- EM10927. Lord Stirling at the battle of Long Island / Ridgeway -- EM10930. Retreat from Long Island, Aug. 29, 1776 / H.B. Hall -- EM10931. [John Adams] -- EM10932. Edward Rutledge / H.B. Hall -- EM10933. The Bently or Billopp manor-house, Staten Island -- EM10934. Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam / D.C. Hinman -- EM10935. G. Washington / J.C. Buttre -- EM10936. The capture of Hale / E.B. & E.C. Kellogg -- EM10937. Last words of Captain Nathan Hale, the hero-martyr of the American Revolution / A.H. Ritchie -- EM10938. Interior of the Beekman house 1860 - Major André's room / Sarony, Major & Knapp; Interior of the Beekman house, 1860 - The blue room / Sarony, Major & Knapp -- EM10939. Apthorpe mansion -- EM10942. Harris' Point (Horen's Hook 1776) Wards Island and Hellgate, 1859 / A. Weingartners Lith. -- EM10943. Battle of Harlem.
EM10944. Harlem, from the old fort in the Central Park -- EM10945. Hon. William Heath / I.R. Smith -- EM10947. Colonel John Montresor / MR -- EM10948. View on Washington Heights -- EM10950. Spuyten Duyvil Creek -- EM10951. Old earthworks on Chittenden's estate - west angle of fort; Old eathworks on Chittenden's estate - east angle of fort; Remains of Fort Washington N.Y. 1856 / G. Hayward -- EM10953. Harlem plains 1812 / G. Hayward -- EM10954. Gen. Hugh Mercer / G.R. Hall -- EM10955. View of the Hudson, from Flat Rock, Fort Lee, with New York City in the distance; The bastion -- EM10956. Fort Lee, on the Hudson / J. Filmer -- EM10957. [Cornwallis landing his troops to take Ft. Lee] -- EM10958. Lord Cornwallis / H.B. Hall.
Call number
Printmakers include Francesco Bartolozzi, Asher B. Durand, W. Endicott & Co., H.B. Hall, George Hayward, J.B. Longacre, Sarony, Major & Knapp, James Smillie and Cornelius Tiebout.
Title from Calendar of Emmet Collection.
Includes photomechanical reproductions.
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Restricted access;
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Emmet Collection.
Indexes/finding aids (note)
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Linking entry (note)
Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.
Emmet, Thomas Addis, 1828-1919. Collector
Booth's history of New York. v. 3 [graphic]
ca. 1760-ca. 1900.
Restricted access
Restricted access; Print Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
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Emmet Collection.
Linking entry
Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.