Booth's history of New York. v. 3

  1. Booth's history of New York. v. 3 [graphic]
Published by
  1. ca. 1760-ca. 1900.
  1. Emmet, Thomas Addis, 1828-1919.

Available online


Additional authors
  1. Bartolozzi, Francesco, 1727-1815.
  2. Durand, A. B. (Asher Brown), 1796-1886.
  3. Hall, Henry Bryan, 1808-1884.
  4. Hayward, George, 1791-1863.
  5. Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869.
  6. Smillie, James, 1807-1885.
  7. Tiebout, Cornelius, 1773?-1832.
  8. W. Endicott & Co.
  9. Sarony, Major & Knapp Lith.
  10. Emmet Collection.
  1. 130 prints : etching, engraving, mezzotint, aquatint, stipple, lithograph, wood-engraving, some col.; 25 x 34.8 cm. or smaller.
  1. Portraits of people and pictures of places and events associated with New York City during the American Revolution, compiled as extra-illustration for The history of the city of New York, v. 3, by Mary Louise Booth. One print is a reproduction of a silhouette. Subjects include stagecoaches, forts, the Battle of Harlem Heights and the Battle of Long Island.
  1. Alsop, John, 1724-1794
  2. André, John, 1751-1780 > Homes and haunts
  3. Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797
  4. Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792
  5. Clinton, James, 1733-1812
  6. Colden, Cadwallader D. 1769-1834
  7. Cooper, Myles, 1737-1785
  8. Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, Marquis, 1738-1805
  9. Dunmore, John Murray, Earl of, 1732-1809
  10. Erskine, William, Sir, 1728-1795
  11. Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790
  12. Gaine, Hugh, 1726 or 1727-1807
  13. Genet, Edmond Charles, 1763-1834
  14. George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820
  15. Goddard, William, 1740-1817
  16. Greene, Nathanael, 1742-1786
  17. Hale, Nathan, 1755-1776
  18. Hardy, Charles, Sir, 1716?-1780
  19. Howe, Richard Howe, Earl, 1726-1799
  20. Johnson, William, 1715-1774
  21. Lamb, John, 1735-1800
  22. Lee, Richard Henry, 1732-1794
  23. McEvers, James
  24. McEvers, James > Homes and haunts
  25. Montrésor, John, 1736-1799
  26. Morris, Gouverneur, 1752-1816
  27. Northumberland, Hugh Percy, Duke, 1742-1817
  28. Oswald, Eleazer, 1755-1795
  29. Paine, Thomas, 1737-1809
  30. Putnam, Israel, 1718-1790
  31. Revere, Paul, 1735-1818
  32. Rogers, Robert, 1731-1795
  33. Schuyler, Philip John, 1733-1804
  34. Sherman, Roger, 1721-1793
  35. Woodhull, Nathaniel, 1722-1776
  36. Wooster, David, 1711-1777
  37. New York Hospital
  38. St. George's Church (New York, N.Y.)
  39. United States
  40. Boston Massacre, 1770
  41. Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775
  42. Forts & fortifications > New York > New York
  43. Harlem Heights, Battle of, N.Y., 1776
  44. Long Island, Battle of, New York, N.Y., 1776
  45. Stagecoaches > New York > New York
  46. Battery Park (New York, N.Y.)
  47. Broadway (New York, N.Y.)
  48. Fort Lee (N.J.)
  49. Fort Ticonderoga (N.Y.)
  50. Hudson Highlands (N.Y.)
  51. Jersey City (N.J.)
  52. New York (N.Y.) > History > Revolution, 1775-1783
  53. Spuyten Duyvil (New York, N.Y.)
  54. Wall Street (New York, N.Y.)
  1. Allegories.
  2. Caricatures – United States – 18th century.
  3. Portraits – United States – 18th century.
  4. Portraits – United States – 19th century.
  5. Silhouettes – United States – 18th century.
  6. Prints – United States – 19th century.
  1. EM10724. New York 1776 -- EM10726. Benjamin Franklin né à Boston dans la Nouvelle Angleterre -- EM10727. Samuel Johnson, D.D., first president of Columbia College / Leney sc. -- EM10730. Hugh Gaine printer and bookseller / Albert Rosenthal -- EM10732. Sir Charles Hardy Admiral of the White and Commander in Chief of his Majesty's fleet in the Channel / P. Dawe -- EM10735. Wm. Livingston -- EM10736. Ed. Ch. Genet ministre plenipotentiaire de la République francaise -- EM10737. [Wm. Walton] -- EM10738. The Walton House as it was -- EM10739. Sir Charles Hardy -- EM10742. The Rt. Honble. the Earl of Loudon -- EM10743. Sir William Johnson Major General of the English forces in America / Spooner -- EM10749. Jeffrey, First Lord Amherst / W.J. Ryall -- EM10750. George III / Grainger -- EM10751. The honble Robert Monkton Major General Governor of New York / Js. McArdell -- EM10753. Samuel Johnson, D.D. -- EM10754. American stage-coach of 1795 -- EM10756. John Watts / C.C. Crehen -- EM10753. St. George's Church and rectory, Beekman St. New York / Wm. Endicott & Co. -- EM10760. View of the light house at Sandy Hook / Tiebout -- EM10762. Jersey City from Communipaw Cove / Roberts -- EM10763. High Street, Philadelphia, with an American stage waggon / M. Marigot -- EM10764. View of Broadway / Geo. Hayward -- EM10765. The Provost -- EM10766. Major Robert Rogers Commander in Chief of the Indians in the back settlements of America -- EM10767. Methodist Church in John Street in olden times / N. Orr co.
  2. EM10768. Brick church in Beekman Street, first opened for service in 1768 -- EM10769. [Cadwallader Colden] / P. Purdon Graham -- EM10770. Rt. Honble. George Grenville / W. Ridley -- EM10771. William Goddard publisher of the Pennsylvania Chronicle 1767-1773 -- EM10772. New York & City Banks and the McEvers mansion, Wall St. in 1800 the residence of Gen. Knyphausen during the Revolution / G. Hayward -- EM10773. [James McEvers] -- EM10776. Philip Livingston / J.B. Longacre -- EM10779. Grave of John Bolt -- EM10782. Eleazer Oswald Lieut. Colonel of the Revolutionary War / Alfred Rosenthal -- EM10785. A view of Fort George with the city of New-York from the S.W. 1740 / Geo. Hayward -- EM10786. John Earl of Bute / F. Cary -- EM10788. C. Colden, Esq. -- EM10789. [John Cruger] -- EM10794. General Murray -- EM10795. George the Third / P.W. Tomkins -- EM10796. Secretary Pitt / Ravenet -- EM10797. Tearing down the statue of George III -- EM10799. View of the 5th Ward Museum Hotel cor. West Broadway & Franklin St. 1864 / Major & Knapp; Public room at the 5th Ward Museum Hotel / Major & Knapp -- EM10800. South west view of Fort George with the city of New York -- EM10801. His sacred majesty King George III / W. Hopkins -- EM10803. Hutchinson 18th governor of Massachusetts -- EM10806. John Alsop member of the Continental Congress / MR -- EM10808. [Henry B. Dawson] -- EM10809. Your affectionate friend John Lamb / J.N. Gimbrede -- EM10812. The right honourable Lord North / E. Bocquet.
  3. EM10815. The massacre in King Street (now State Street), Boston, March 5th, 1776 -- EM10816. His most gracious majesty George the Third / M.A. Bourlier sc. -- EM10818. John Murray Earl Dunmore Governor of Va. / MR -- EM10819. Philip Schuyler Esqr. Majr. Genl. in the American Service / Leney -- EM10820. New-York Hospital / G. Hayward -- EM10821. Demolition of the New York City Hospital grounds /sketched by A. R. Waud -- EM10822. Bank of New York, corner Wall and William Streets / J. Filmer sc. -- EM10823. New York & City Banks and the McEvers mansion, Wall St. in 1800 the residence of Gen. Knyphausen during the Revolution / G. Hayward -- EM10824. Street views no. 2 - Wall Street / W. Hoogland sc. -- EM10826. Liberty triumphant: or the downfall of oppression -- EM10828. Myles Cooper D.D., LL.D. second president of Columbia College / Leney -- EM10829. Old coffee-house and coffee-house slip -- EM10830. Paul Revere's ride - April 19, 1775 / drawn by Charles G. Bush -- EM10831. Paul Revere / S.A. Schoff -- EM10839. Carpenter's Hall, the place of the first Congress -- EM10840. New York Battery Castle Garden Bay Narrows Staten Isld. -- EM10846. Mr. Verplank Dutchess Cy. -- EM10856. Danl. Pheeny [?] / C.G. Crehen -- EM10861. James Beekman -- EM10879. The old stone house at Turtle Bay, N.Y. 1852 the building from which the Liberty Boys led by Willett took the King's stores / G. Hayward -- EM10880. David Wooster, Esqr. Commander in Chief of the Provincial Army against Quebec.
  4. EM10881. Gouverneur Morris / J.B. Longacre -- EM10882. Ruins of Fort Ticonderoga - Lake Champlain / S.V. Hunt -- EM10883. The battle at Bunker's Hill / J.N. Gimbrede -- EM10886. Gen. James Clinton / H.B. Hall -- EM10889. View of the Hudson Highlands from West Point / James Smillie -- EM10890. James Rivington / H.B. Hall -- EM10892. Richmond Hill House, N.Y. / J.W. Orr -- EM10894. Thomas Paine / Illman & Sons -- EM10895. G. Washington / H.B. Hall -- EM10896. Thomas Jefferson / C. Tiebout -- EM10897. John Adams / C. Tiebout -- EM10898. Benjamin Franklin / T.B. Welsh -- EM10899. Robert R. Livingston / E. McKenzie -- EM10900. Roger Sherman / S.S. Jocelyn -- EM10901. Richard Henry Lee / P. Maverick & J.B. Longacre -- EM10902. [Morris] / H.B. Hall -- EM10903. Phil. Livingston -- EM10904. Francis Lewis / C.C. Wright -- EM10905. William Floyd / A.B. Durand -- EM10906. First reading of the Declaration of Independence in New York / drawn by A.R. Waud -- EM10907. The park fountains & City Hall N.Y. / James Smillie -- EM10908. Die Zerstörun der königlichen Bild Säule zu Neu Yorck / Francois Xav. Habermann -- EM10909. The right honble. Richard Lord Howe Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Fleet, in the Channel / Corbutt -- EM10910. Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Greene / H.B. Hall -- EM10911. Maj. Gen. John Sullivan / H.B. Hall -- EM10916. Bedford Corners, in 1776 / J.F. Davis Speer -- EM10918. Hugh, Earl Percy -- EM10919. Lieut. General Sir Wm. Erskine Bart. / S.W. Reynolds.
  5. EM10920. Sir Henry Clinton, K.B. / F. Bartolozzi -- EM10921. Green-wod - Entrance ot the cemetery (from 27th Street) / J. Smillie -- EM10922. View from Battle Hill (Gowanus Heights, near New York) / James Smillie -- EM10923. The battle pass (in Prospect Park), Brooklyn / J.R. Davis-Speer -- EM10924. View of the house of Simon Aertsen de Hart still standing on Gowanes Bay in 1867 / Hayward & Co. -- EM10925. Marquis Cornwallis Commander in Chief of his Majesty's forces in New York North America / F. Bartolozzi -- EM10926. View of the house in New Utrecht, L.I. in which Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull died of his wounds in 1776 -- EM10927. Lord Stirling at the battle of Long Island / Ridgeway -- EM10930. Retreat from Long Island, Aug. 29, 1776 / H.B. Hall -- EM10931. [John Adams] -- EM10932. Edward Rutledge / H.B. Hall -- EM10933. The Bently or Billopp manor-house, Staten Island -- EM10934. Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam / D.C. Hinman -- EM10935. G. Washington / J.C. Buttre -- EM10936. The capture of Hale / E.B. & E.C. Kellogg -- EM10937. Last words of Captain Nathan Hale, the hero-martyr of the American Revolution / A.H. Ritchie -- EM10938. Interior of the Beekman house 1860 - Major André's room / Sarony, Major & Knapp; Interior of the Beekman house, 1860 - The blue room / Sarony, Major & Knapp -- EM10939. Apthorpe mansion -- EM10942. Harris' Point (Horen's Hook 1776) Wards Island and Hellgate, 1859 / A. Weingartners Lith. -- EM10943. Battle of Harlem.
  6. EM10944. Harlem, from the old fort in the Central Park -- EM10945. Hon. William Heath / I.R. Smith -- EM10947. Colonel John Montresor / MR -- EM10948. View on Washington Heights -- EM10950. Spuyten Duyvil Creek -- EM10951. Old earthworks on Chittenden's estate - west angle of fort; Old eathworks on Chittenden's estate - east angle of fort; Remains of Fort Washington N.Y. 1856 / G. Hayward -- EM10953. Harlem plains 1812 / G. Hayward -- EM10954. Gen. Hugh Mercer / G.R. Hall -- EM10955. View of the Hudson, from Flat Rock, Fort Lee, with New York City in the distance; The bastion -- EM10956. Fort Lee, on the Hudson / J. Filmer -- EM10957. [Cornwallis landing his troops to take Ft. Lee] -- EM10958. Lord Cornwallis / H.B. Hall.
Call number
  1. MEZP
  1. Printmakers include Francesco Bartolozzi, Asher B. Durand, W. Endicott & Co., H.B. Hall, George Hayward, J.B. Longacre, Sarony, Major & Knapp, James Smillie and Cornelius Tiebout.
  2. Title from Calendar of Emmet Collection.
  3. Includes photomechanical reproductions.
Access (note)
  1. Restricted access;
Cite as (note)
  1. Emmet Collection.
Indexes/finding aids (note)
  1. Finding aid available.
Linking entry (note)
  1. Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.
  1. Emmet, Thomas Addis, 1828-1919. Collector
  1. Booth's history of New York. v. 3 [graphic]
  1. ca. 1760-ca. 1900.
Restricted access
  1. Restricted access; Print Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
Cite as:
  1. Emmet Collection.
Linking entry
  1. Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.
  1. Finding aid available.
Connect to:
  1. NYPL Digital Collections
Added author
  1. Bartolozzi, Francesco, 1727-1815.
  2. Durand, A. B. (Asher Brown), 1796-1886.
  3. Hall, Henry Bryan, 1808-1884.
  4. Hayward, George, 1791-1863.
  5. Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869.
  6. Smillie, James, 1807-1885.
  7. Tiebout, Cornelius, 1773?-1832.
  8. W. Endicott & Co.
  9. Sarony, Major & Knapp Lith.
  10. Emmet Collection.
Research call number
  1. MEZP
View in legacy catalog