130 prints : etching, engraving, mezzotint, lithograph, wood engraving, some col.; 34.8 x 51 cm. or smaller.
Portraits of people and pictures of places and events associated with New York City during the American Revolution, compiled as extra-illustration for The history of New York, v. 4, by Mary Louise Booth. One print is a vue d'optique; depictions are chiefly conjectural and not contemporary with the events, most date from the mid-19th century. Subjects include flags, a parade celebrating the ratification of the Constitution, and the prison ship Jersey.
EM10962. View from Valentine's hill, Westchester Co., N.Y. - Throg's Neck in the distance / Duthie -- EM10963. General Howe / John A. O'Neill -- EM10964. Admiral Digby / J. Chapman -- EM10965. His royal highness the Duke of Clarence / Cheesman -- EM10968. Middle Dutch Church, corner Nassau & Cedar Sts. N. York -- EM10969. The old post office New York / John Briem -- EM10970. [William Dunlap] -- EM10971. [Sands Point] Long Island Sound / S.V. Hunt -- EM10973. Lt. Gen. Burgoyne / S. Hollyer -- EM10974. Thos. Gage -- EM10975. Elias Boudinot L.L.D. / A.B. Durand -- EM10976. John [illegible] / C.G. Crehen -- EM10977. Gen. Sir William Howe / H.B. Hall -- EM10979. Escape of Rev. Thomas Andros, from the old Jersey prison ship, during the Revolutionary War / E.B. & E.C. Kellogg's Lith. -- EM10980. [Dring] -- EM10981. [Trinity church garden] -- EM10982. [Prison ship Jersey] -- EM10983. View of Brooklyn, 1840 / G. Hayward -- EM10985. [Philip Freneau] / T. Halpin -- EM10991. The Five Points in 1859 crossing of Baxter (late Orange) Park (late Cross) & Worth (late Anthony) Sts.; The Five Points in 1859 - view taken from the corner of Worth & Little Water St. -- EM10993. James Rivington / A.H. Ritchie -- EM10996. Maj. Gen. Charles Lee / H.B. Hall -- EM10997. The American general Lee taken prisoner by Lieutenant Colonel Harcourt of the English army, in Morris Country [sic], New Jersey, 1776.
EM10999. View of the west bank of the Hudson's River 3 miles above Still Water, upon which the army under the command of General Burgoyne took post on the 20th Sepr. 1777 / Barlow -- EM11000. House where the first American flag was made; The liberty flag of 1775; First flag of South Carolina; Pine-tree flag at Bunker Hill; Flag adopted by Congress, 1777; Bunker Hill standard; The Gadsden flag of 1776; Standard of early American cruisers -- EM11001. Silas Deane Esqr. Commissioner from Congress in France / B.B.E. -- EM11002. Arthur Lee / H.B. Hall -- EM11003. Count Pulaski / H.B. Hall -- EM11004. [Kosciusko] -- EM11005. Maj. Gen. the Baron de Kalb / H.B. Hall -- EM11006. Lieut.-Gen. John Burgoyne / H.B. Hall -- EM11007. Washington at Valley Forge, winter of 1777-78 -- EM11008. Horatio Gates Esqr. Major General of the American forces -- EM11009. William Duer member of the Continental Congress / Max Rosenthal -- EM11010. The old court-house at York -- EM11012. John Jones M.D. / Leney -- EM11014. Marquis of Rockingham first Lord Commissioner of the Treasury / R.H. Cromek -- EM11015. The Right Honble. the Earl of Chatham seized with a fit in the House of Peers previous to this death / Taylor -- EM11016. Sir Henry Clinton / H.B. Hall -- EM11017. The Battle of Monmouth, New Jersey, on June 28, 1778 -- EM11018. Charles Henry Count d'Estaing / H.B. Hall -- EM11019. Newport, Rhode Island / Fenner, Sears & Co. -- EM11020. William Viscount Howe.
EM11022. U.S. Branch Bank / J. Yeager -- EM11027. [Gov. Andr. Elliot N. York / Albert Rosenthal -- EM11028. Storming of Stony Point / J. Rogers -- EM11031. [Genl. Wayne] -- EM11032. [Paul Jones] -- EM11038. Marquis Cornwallis / J. Osborne -- EM11034. Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates / H.B. Hall -- EM11035. Maj. Gen. Thomas Sumter / H.B. Hall -- EM11036. The tempter and the traitor - The treason of Arnold on the night of September 21, 1780 -- EM11037. [Arnold] / H.B. Hall -- EM11038. [Mrs. Arnold and child] / H.B.H. -- EM11039. John André -- EM11040. Old Kennedy house (Washington's headquarters) and Watts mansion -- EM11041. West Point with its fortifications in 1780 / J. Smillie -- EM11042. John Paulding (one of the captors of André) / Thew -- EM11043. The tempter and the patriot - The capture of André, September 23, 1780 -- EM11045. The unfortunate death of Major André (adjutant general to the English army) at head quarters in New York Octr. 2, 1780, who was found within the American lines in the character of a spy / Goldar -- EM11046. [Escape of Champe?] -- EM11047. Robert Morris / J.B. Longacre -- EM11049. Nataniel [sic] Greene major general in the American armies a patriot, a hero and a friend / Chevillet -- EM11050. The count de Rochambeau (as Marshal of France, 1791) / T.D. Booth -- EM11051. Gen. Lord Cornwallis / S. Hollyer -- EM11052. Lieut. Col. Banastre Tarleton / H.B. Hall -- EM11053. Le Comte de Grasse / H.B. Hall.
EM11054. The Rt. Honble. Thomas Lord Graves, Admiral of the White / Conde -- EM11055. Maj. Gen. the Marquis de Lafayette / H.B. Hall -- EM11056. A view of New London from Manwaring's Hill -- EM11057. Sir Henry Clinton -- EM11059. Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia, October 19, 1781 -- EM11960. Gen. St. Clair -- EM11062. West Point and the Highlands / S.V. Hunt -- EM11063. Guy Carleton / H.B. Hall -- EM11065. Jefferson -- EM11066. His excellency Henry Laurens president of Congress and minister plenipotentiary for treating of peace with Great Britain -- EM11067. John Adams / J.B. Longacre -- EM11070 Die Anländung der Englischen Troupen zu Neu Yorck / Franc̦ois Xav. Habermann -- EM11071. Evacuation Day - Washington's entrance into New York, November 25, 1783 -- EM11072. H. Knox / H.W. Smith -- EM11073. Washington parting with his officers / Rogers -- EM11074. Washington resigning his commission at Annapolis Dec. 23rd 1783 / Rogers -- EM11075. James Duane / H.B. Hall -- EM11077. La Fayette -- EM11078. Gen. Baron Steuben / Forrest -- EM11079. George Washington / Elias Dexter -- EM11081. Perspective view of Canal Street -- EM11082. [Quincy Market & Fanieul Hall] -- EM11083. View of Broadway from Anthony St. east side looking up / G. Hayward -- EM11085. View of the New-York Hospital / Leney -- EM11086. Columbia College / Fenner Sears & Co. -- EM11087. Alexander Hamilton / Leney -- EM11088. Major General Baron Steuben / B.B.E.
EM11090. Sir John Temple British Consul Gen. to the U.S. / MR -- EM11091. James Madison -- EM11093. View of New-York, 1787 / G. Hayward -- EM11094. Henry Rutgers / C.G. Crehen -- EM11099. John Jay Esq. / Leney -- EM11101. [Poughkeepsie] -- EM11102. George Clinton late governor of New York -- EM11103. The New-York federal table, as seen from Bunker Hill -- EM11104. Parade in honor of the adoption of the Federal Constitution, 1788 / AF -- EM11105. Col. Eleazer Oswald -- EM11109. G. Washington -- EM11108. Old City Hall, Wall St., N.Y. / Hinshelwood -- EM11110. John Adams / C. Tiebout -- EM11111. George Town and City of Washington -- EM11112. Washington entering Trenton / T. Rogers -- EM11113. [Saml. Osgood] -- EM11114. Reception of President Washington at New York April 23rd 1789 / J. Rogers -- EM11115. A view of the federal hall of the city of New York as it appeared in the year 1797, with the adjacent buildings thereto / C. Currier -- EM11116. The Government House / C. Currier -- EM11117. M. Washington / J.C. Buttre -- EM11118. Washington family / A.B. Walter -- EM11119. [Tobias Lear] / H.B. Hall -- EM11121. [Maj. Jackson] -- EM11122. Gen. Washington's carriage / J.H. Daniels -- EM11123. Lady Washington's reception-day -- EM11126. [18th-century theater] -- EM11128. Geo. W.P. Custis / J.C. Buttre -- EM11129. David Garrick Esqr. / Robt. Cooper -- EM11130. [Pew] -- EM11131. Washington's pew in St. Paul's Church, 1789 / A. Weingartner's Lith.
EM11133. Dr. John Bard / Leney -- EM11135. Alexander Hamilton / J. Rogers -- EM11136. Thomas Jefferson / J.C. Buttre -- EM11137. Major General Benjamin Lincoln / T. Illman -- EM11138. David Humphreys LL.D. / G. Parker -- EM11139. [Knox] -- EM11140. Richard Varick / H.B. Hall.
Call number
Printmakers include Henry Bryan Hall, George Hayward, William Satchwell Leney, John Rogers, E.B. & E.C. Kellogg, and Fenner, Sears & Co.
Title from Calendar of Emmet Collection.
Includes photomechanical reproductions.
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Restricted access;
Cite as (note)
Emmet Collection.
Indexes/finding aids (note)
Finding aid available.
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.
Emmet, Thomas Addis, 1828-1919. Collector
Booth's history of New York. v. 4 [graphic]
ca. 1775-ca. 1890.
Restricted access
Restricted access; Print Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
Cite as:
Emmet Collection.
Linking entry
Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.