139 prints : etching, engraving, stipple, aquatint, mezzotint, wood engraving, lithograph, some col.; 36 x 71.7 cm. or smaller.
Portraits of people and pictures of places and events associated with the early Dutch history of New York City, compiled as extra-illustration for History of the City of New York, V. I by Mary Louise Booth. Most prints are 19th century reproductions of earlier compositions, or hypothetical reconstructions of early scenes or events.
EM10340. Mansion House (Bunkers) Broadway, New-York / George Hayward -- EM10341. Louis XVI Roi de France / Lebeau -- EM10342. Charles Gravieu Graaf de Vergennes / Reinr. Vinkeles sculp. -- EM10344. Moreau / Bosselman sc. -- EM10345. John Jay / Max Rosenthal -- EM10346. Aaron Burr / Albert Rosenthal -- EM10347. Christopher Colles / F. Alpin -- EM10348. Genl. Hamilton / Rollinson sculpt. -- EM10350. P. Stuyvesant -- EM10352. [Harvest scene] -- EM10354. D. T. Valentine / J. Rogers -- EM10356. George Bancroft / Alonzo Chappel -- EM10357. Washington Irving, Esq. / C. Turner -- EM10361. View of the Bay and Harbour of New-York from the Battery / Wm. D. Smith sc. -- EM10362. Nieu Amsterdam al New York -- EM10363. View of St. John's Chapel from the Park / W.D. Smith sc., A.J. David del. -- EM10365. The Tombs -- EM10366. Lispenard's Meadows as seen from the site of the St. Nicholas Hotel -- EM10367. Broadway & Grand Street, N.Y. as it appeared about 1818 / G. Hayward -- EM10368. An Indian village of the Manhattans, prior to the occupation of the Dutch / Geo. Hayward -- EM10369. View of New York from the North, 1679 -- EM10370. Christofel Colonus -- EM10371. Landing at Jamestown / M.I. Danforth sculpt. -- EM10372. Quebec -- EM10373. Henri VII / P. A. Gunst -- EM10374. Ferdinand Magellanus -- EM10375. Jacob van Heemskerk Admiral / J. Houbraken sc. -- EM10376. Henry Hudson / N. Orr -- EM10377. Appearance of the high lands of Agameticus, N.E. with Penobscot Hills, to the eastwards, at 3 to 4 leagues off shore.
EM10378. Henri IV / Forster -- EM10379. Landing of Hendrick Hudson / R.W. Weir -- EM10380. A view of the highland of Neversink, N.W. by W....with the light house on Sandy Hook, N.W. -- EM10381. The Narrows, between Red and Yellow Hook, on Long Island & the east bluff of Staten Island, bearing S. b. W. -- EM10382. Arms of Henry Hudson -- EM10383. Maurice, Prince d'Orange / G. Valck sculpt. -- EM10384. Interview of Hendrick Hudson with the Indians / Robert Hinshelwood -- EM10385. The flag of the Dutch West India Company -- EM10386. Amstelredam -- EM10387. Witte Corneliz de With Vice Admir: van Hol. en West-F. -- EM10388. Montauk Point -- EM10389. Nahant -- EM10390. North-eastern view of Provincetown, Mass. / S.E. Brown -- EM10391. The south shore of Long Island, ten leagues eastward of Sandy Hook, four miles distant -- EM10396. Albany, from Van Unsselaens Island / Fenner, Sears & Co. -- EM10397. A view of the late Protestant Dutch Church in the city of Albany / Snyder -- EM10399. Haag -- EM10400. James the first king of Great Britain / Charles Turner -- EM10403. Leyden / J. Poppel -- EM10404. Amsterdam / W.S. Cooke -- EM10405. The West India Company's House Haarlemmer Straat Amsterdam -- EM10406. Plymouth Rock, as it now appears -- EM10407. Gloucester / E.W. Clay -- EM10408. Jeremias van Rensslaer / Gavit & Duthie -- EM10409. A view of Plymouth Fort and St. Nicholas's Island from Mount Edgcumbe -- EM10410. James I, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith &c.
EM10411. [Hen. C. Murphy?] Minister to the Netherlands / A.H. Ritchie -- EM10412. A view of the Admiralty at Amsterdam, of the store houses, wharfes and docks belonging to it and to the East India Company -- EM10413. Entrée du port du Havre / Alès sc. -- EM10414. Novum Amsterodamum -- EM10415. Henricus Fredericus origine Princ. Auria. Com. / I.S. -- EM10416. Serenissiums princeps Carolus dei gratia Angliae Scotiae Fraunciae & Hiberniae Rex &c. -- EM10417. View of Hell Gate the entrance from Long Island Sound to New York / M. Merigot -- EM10418. The right honoble. Robert Earle of Warwick Baron of Leeze etc. -- EM10419. Hartford, Connecticut / Fenner, Sears & Co. -- EM10420. John Winthrop first governor of Massachusetts / J. Chorley -- EM10421. Washington Irving / H.B. Hall -- EM10422. T. Smit's vly in early times (present foot of Maiden Lane - 1861) / Sarony Major & Knapp -- EM10424. Serenissima Anna D.G. Mag. Brit. Fran. et Hiber. Regina &c. / T. Smith -- EM10426. Trinity Church, N.Y. / H.R. Robinson -- EM10427. Trinity Church as enlarged / Geo. Hayward -- EM10428. Communipaw, New Jersey -- EM10429. La Rochelle / Chamois -- EM10430. Stockholm -- EM10431. Gustavus Adolphus / Edward Smith -- EM10432. Trenton High Falls / C. Cousen -- EM10433. The West India Company's house, Haarlemmer Straat, Amsterdam -- EM10434. View of the castle with part of the town of Dover, in Kent -- EM10435. Turtle Bay, East River, N.Y. 1853 / Geo. Hayward -- EM10437. School house, Tappan / James Smillie.
EM10438. Hackensack, N.J. -- EM10440. Picturesque America - East Hampton, L.I. - view from the church belfry / Harley -- EM10441. [Charles II] -- EM10442. Nieu Nederlandt -- EM10443. View of old buildings in William Street, looking from cor. of Liberty St. towards Maiden Lane N.Y. / Geo. Hayward -- EM10444. Ancient view of the present junction of Pearl & Chatham Sts. / Sarony Major & Knapp -- EM10445. Chatham Square N.Y. 1812 / Geo. Hayward -- EM10446. Peck Slip N.Y. 1850 / Geo. Hayward -- EM10447. Old house cor. Peck Slip & Water St. / H. Farrer -- EM10448. South St. from Maiden Lane 1828 / G. Hayward -- EM10449. View in New York, 1746 / Geo. Hayward -- EM10450. One of the oldest houses now standing in New York cor. of Cherry & Roosevelt Sts. / Geo. Hayward -- Em10451. Burtus House, corner of Peck Slip & Water Street, in 1867 -- EM10452. No. 2 Broadway cor. Marketfield St., 1798 / Lossing-Barritt -- EM10453. New Amsterdam (now New York) as it appeared about the year 1640 -- EM10454. General Gage -- EM10457. The Stadthuys of New York in 1679 corner of Peal St. and Coentijs Slip / G. Hayward -- EM10458. The Governor's House and the church in the fort under the Dutch / Lossing-Barritt -- EM10459. Government House New York 1795 / G.W. Lewis -- EM10460. Peter Stuyvesant -- EM10461. Port d'Haverstraw ou de Warren / Bichebois -- EM10462. David Pieterz. de Vries, artillery-meester van de staten van West-Vrieslant en't Noorder Quartier / Corn. Visscher.
EM40464. The West India Company's Warehouse, built in 1641, as seen from the Oude Schans, Amsterdam -- EM10466. P. Isaacus Iogues van de Societÿt Iesv... / A. Melaer -- EM10467. [Stuyvesant passing through the streets of N.Y.] / Thornton & Co. -- EM10468. Gov. Stuyvesant's house, erected 1658, afterwards called The Whitehall -- EM10469. View of the site of the present battery in 1656 -- EM10470. The eminent burghers Manheers Tenbroek and Hardenbroeck disputing about the plan of the city of New Amsterdam / H.R. Robinson -- EM10472. Peter Stuyvesant and his counsel preparing the charter for the city of New York in 1652 / A.G. Lund -- EM10474. Section of the city wall erected in 1653 -- EM10475. Oliver Cromwell / Jas. Caldwall -- EM10476. Nieuw Amsterdam 1659 / G. Hayward -- EM10477. View of East River or Sound, taken from Riker's Island, with a distant view of the seat of Joshua Waddington Esq. / P. Maverick -- EM10478. View of the East River shore, north of the Water Gate, N.Y., 1679 / Hayward & Co. -- EM10480. Amsterdam. The Damrak Palace &c. / R. Brandard -- EM10481. P. Stuyvesant -- EM10483. New York in 1660 -- EM10484. The Cortelou Mansion House, 1848 / Geo. Hayward -- EM10485. Charles II -- EM10486. James Stuart Duke of York / Edw. Smith -- EM10488. The entrance of Boston Harbor -- EM10489. New Amsterdam, a small city on Manhattan Island / G. Hayward -- EM10490. John Winthrop Governor of Connecticut / J.G. Kellogg -- EM10491. Govr. Stuyvesant destroying the summons to surrender N.Y.
EM10492. Fort Amsterdam about 1650 -- EM10493. St. Mark's Church, Stuyvesant St. -- EM10494. His Royal Highness James Duke of York and Albany -- EM10497. Grace Church, Broadway -- EM10500. Michiel Adriaensz. de Ruyter Herzog Ridder etc. -- EM10502. [James Duke of York] -- EM10503. Kornelis Evertsen Luitenant-Admiral van Zeeland / J. Houbraken -- EM10504. [Sandy Hook] -- EM10505. Jacques Duc de Iorck IIe fils de Charles Ier Roy d'Angleterre Irland, etc. / P. de Jode -- EM10506. Westminster Hall / Angus -- EM10512. Court of the West India Company's House on the Cingal, Amsterdam -- EM10513. The Water Gate, foot of Wall St. New York 1679 / G. Hayward -- EM10514. Old times on Broadway / M. Osborne -- EM10515. D.J. Valentine / J. Rogers -- EM10516. View of the Schoeinge or street piling on the East River shore near present Coenties Slip, 1658; The dock and river front to Wall Street, 1667; The blockhouse and city gate (foot of present Wall Street), 1674; View of the Gratt or Canal in Broad Street, and the Fish Bridge, 1659 -- EM10517. Residence of Cornelis Steenwyck, southeast corner of the present Whitehall and Bridge Streets; Cornl. Steenwyck / J. Rogers -- EM10525. [The lower part of the canal in Broad Street] / W.H. Wallace.
Call number
Printmakers include Henry Farrer, Fenner Sears & Co., George Hayward, Sarony Major & Knapp and William Henry Wallace. One print is after a drawing by Alexander Jackson Davis.
Title from Calendar of Emmet Collection.
Includes photomechanical reproductions.
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Restricted access;
Cite as (note)
Emmet Collection.
Indexes/finding aids (note)
Finding aid available.
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.
Emmet, Thomas Addis, 1828-1919. Collector
Booth's History of New York. v. 1 [graphic]
ca. 1640-1904.
Restricted access
Restricted access; Print Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
Cite as:
Emmet Collection.
Linking entry
Forms part of Emmet Collection of Manuscripts Etc. Relating to American History.