Manual descriptive of a collection of talismans engraved on stones and metals of various countries and epochs, illustrative of what man has worn for his protection from accident and disease; also ancient gems, Babylonian cylinders, Persian seals, etc.: being part of the important glyptic collection of Maxwell Sommerville ... loaned on the occasion of the visit of the Pan-American Congress, the National Academy of Sciences, the College Association of the Middle States and Maryland, the Folk-lore Society of America, the School-masters' Association.
Manual descriptive of a collection of talismans engraved on stones and metals of various countries and epochs, illustrative of what man has worn for his protection from accident and disease; also ancient gems, Babylonian cylinders, Persian seals, etc.: being part of the important glyptic collection of Maxwell Sommerville ... loaned on the occasion of the visit of the Pan-American Congress, the National Academy of Sciences, the College Association of the Middle States and Maryland, the Folk-lore Society of America, the School-masters' Association.
At head of title: University of Pennsylvania, Department of Archaeology and Paleontology.
Sommerville, Maxwell, 1829-1904.
Manual descriptive of a collection of talismans engraved on stones and metals of various countries and epochs, illustrative of what man has worn for his protection from accident and disease; also ancient gems, Babylonian cylinders, Persian seals, etc.: being part of the important glyptic collection of Maxwell Sommerville ... loaned on the occasion of the visit of the Pan-American Congress, the National Academy of Sciences, the College Association of the Middle States and Maryland, the Folk-lore Society of America, the School-masters' Association.