District court of the United States, District of New Jersey: Christian Feigenspan, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Joseph L. Bodine, United States attorney, and Charles V. Duffy, collector of internal revenue, defendants; memorandum upon the nature and limits of the power granted by the fifth article of the Constitution, Elihu Root, William D. Guthrie, counsel for plaintiff.
District court of the United States, District of New Jersey: Christian Feigenspan, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Joseph L. Bodine, United States attorney, and Charles V. Duffy, collector of internal revenue, defendants; memorandum upon the nature and limits of the power granted by the fifth article of the Constitution, Elihu Root, William D. Guthrie, counsel for plaintiff.
District court of the United States, District of New Jersey: Christian Feigenspan, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Joseph L. Bodine, United States attorney, and Charles V. Duffy, collector of internal revenue, defendants; memorandum upon the nature and limits of the power granted by the fifth article of the Constitution, Elihu Root, William D. Guthrie, counsel for plaintiff.