Miscellaneous prints by Léopold Flameng. (NN)NYPG97-F241.
26 prints : etching, softground; 20.2 x 21.5 cm. or smaller.
Miscellaneous etchings by Léopold Flameng. Includes etched announcements, business cards, labels, letterheads and portraits. The business cards are those of the printers Auguste and Eugène Delâtre. Subjects depicted include children eating & drinking, a grandfather, and a witches' sabbath.
B701. Au pain & a l'aeu [sic] -- B702. [Horseman & others on the march] -- B703. [Woman scolding toper] -- B704. La science du coeur -- B705. [Monk, woman & child, beggar, 4 boys & a dog] -- B706. [Men & women in evening dress] -- B707. [Man asleep in room, another stealing off with box] -- B709. [Standing woman holding a flower] -- B710. Fantaisie [Woman holding a fan] -- B711. [Combat militaire au Tonkin] -- B712. Title page: Oeuvre complet de Rembrandt -- B713. [Mme. Roux de Marseille - en alsacienne?] -- B714. [Croquis, vernis mou: homme, chapeau, plume] -- B715. Retour du Sabbat -- B716. [Portrait of a woman] -- B717. [Portrait of a man with a beard & mustache] -- B718. [Portrait of a man with a beard & clean-shaven chin] -- B719. Poète francais -- B720. [Head of a woman, hair falling over forehead -- B721. Chez le grandpère -- B722. Label: Vins de champagne Messieurs Aubriet -- B723. Letterhead: J. Buesco retoilage (wolves in design) -- B724. Letterhead: J. Buesco retoilage (monkeys in design) -- B725. Business card: Aug. Delâtre Imprimerie artistique -- B725bis. Letterhead: Imprimerie artistique en taille-douce Eug. Delâtre -- B726. Marriage announcement.
Call number
Title devised by cataloger.
Some prints signed in graphite. Some bear notations by the artist.
Access (note)
Restricted access;
Cite as (note)
S.P. Avery Collection.
Indexes/finding aids (note)
Holdings annotated in departmental copy of Henri Béraldi, Les graveurs du XIXe siècle, v. 6.
Provenance (note)
Gift of Samuel Putnam Avery, 1900. B725 bears the collector's mark of Philippe Burty (Lugt 413)
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of Miscellaneous prints by Léopold Flameng in Samuel Putnam Avery Collection.