Disc 1 (41 min.). Louis Johnson discusses performing in the Broadway show House of Flowers; his dance background, being raised in Washington D.C., taking classes on scholarship at the Doris Jones - Clara Haywood School of Dance; The School setting up an audition for Johnson and Chita Rivera where both got into the School of American Ballet (SAB) in New York; studying at SAB; performing in his first Broadway show, Four saints in three acts; attending the Katherine Dunham Dance School; about the House of flowers cast and production; the audition process since he was already dancing at SAB; Geoffrey Holder bringing his musicians that drummed for rehearsals; Marlene Dietrich attending rehearsals and helping out; how many dancers from this show he already knew; celebrities that attended the Katherine Dunham School of Dance; rehearsals with George Balanchine and what Johnson was asked to do; a photograph of the Cockfight scene choreographed by Balanchine with Johnson and Walter Nicks as the cocks; photograph from the Cockfight scene with Johnson identifying the dancers; Cockfight scene stayed the same after Herbert Ross took over except the focus was on the duet with Carmen De Lavallade and Alvin Ailey; the Two ladies in the shade number with brief description of the scene and staging; Geoffrey Holder choreographed his own number which stayed in both versions of the show; the Turtle number and how the turtle was created; the Voudou number; when the dancers rehearsed after Ross took over in Philadelphia; the Madame Tango's tango number and how it was originally in the second act and was then moved to the first act after Ross took over; and a talk about the procession to the Cockfight scene with the song Smellin' of vanilla (Bamboo cage).
Disc 2 (27 min.). Thomas DeFrantz playing the number Smellin' of vanilla from the Cockfight scene (Bamboo cage); Johnson talks about the interview he gave that showed a clip of House of flowers; the transition between Balanchine and Ross; Balanchine's concern about the company when he left; Balanchine's staging in Waitin'; DeFrantz plays Waitin' and they talk about the scene; about Pearl Bailey not having much staging and being allowed to do her own thing; working with Balanchine; DeFrantz playing Two ladies in the shade with a talk about the number and about throwing the girls in the air; Johnson talking about Balanchine having fun while choreographing this show; Johnson's memories and what he enjoyed about the show and working with Balanchine; and concludes with Johnson talking about looking for some of his photographs from this show.
Call number
*MGZIDVD 5-7309
This interview was created for the Popular Balanchine Collection.
This interview relates to the Popular Balancine dossiers (Boxes 36-37. House of Flowers) (1954) [Dance Division call number: *MGZMD 146, boxes 37-38, House of flowers], compiled by Thomas DeFrantz. Inventory, background materials (photocopies of print sources and one original symposium program), programs (photocopies and one original souvenir program), notices and reviews, photocopies of photographs, and transcripts of interviews with Louis Johnson, Mary Louise, Mary Mon Toy, Walter Nicks, Margot Small, and Glory Van Scott. Also includes photocopy of original working script, photocopies of music selections, and sheet music of Vocal selections from the Off-Broadway musical, House of Flowers.
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video files online only onsite at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Credits (note)
Videographer, Christopher Caines.
Event (note)
Videotaped during an interview at the Balanchine Foundation, New York, N.Y., on Aug. 16, 2001.
Source (note)
George Balanchine Foundation.
Interview with Louis Johnson [electronic resource] / interviewed by Thomas DeFrantz ; [presented by] The George Balanchine Foundation.
Country of producing entity
Original version
Original format: 2 DV-CAM cassettes.
Restricted access
Patrons can access streaming video files online only onsite at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Interviewee, Louis Johnson ; interviewer, Thomas DeFrantz.
Videographer, Christopher Caines.
Videotaped during an interview at the Balanchine Foundation, New York, N.Y., on Aug. 16, 2001.