Mikhail Baryshnikov and White Oak Dance Project perform Past Forward, a retrospective and celebration of Judson Dance. Live performance alternates with video sequences, created by Charles Atlas and narrated by Baryshnikov. This video details how Judson fit within the cultural landscape of the 1960s. Stills and video interviews bracket the performance of live works, explained in part by its choreographer. Public participation is part of the program: local dancers, students, and community members take part in several works. This recording contains content similar to *MGZIDF 139: however, the performance is filmed in a wide shot throughout. Also, the technical issue with "Homemade" alluded to in that recording is captured here, along with an announcement that the piece will be omitted. Like the parallel recording, this tape stops at 50:35 for several seconds of blue screen before restarting "After Many a Summer Dies the Swan". Poor visual quality overall.
Uniform title
Huddle (Choreographic work : Forti)
Chair (Choreographic work : Gordon)
Homemade (Choreographic work : Brown)
Satisfyin lover (Choreographic work : Paxton)
Single duet (Choreographic work : Hay)
After many a summer dies the swan (Choreographic work : Rainer)
Huddle (Simone Forti, choreographer) -- Chair (David Gordon, choreographer; John Philip Sousa, composer) -- Homemade (Trisha Brown, choreographer) -- Satisfyin Lover (Steve Paxton, choreographer) -- Single Duet (Deborah Hay, choreographer; Jennifer Tipton, lighting designer; Morton Feldman, composer) -- After Many a Summer Dies the Swan (Yvonne Rainer, choreographer; Edvard Grieg, Ludwig van Beethoven, composers; Tina Turner, performer)
Call number
Title and date transcribed from videocassette label.
Poor visual quality, with camera wobble at 41:22.
"Homemade" is cut short; "After Many..." cuts to blue screen before restart.
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video file online only onsite at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Credits (note)
Simone Forti, David Gordon, Trisha Brown, Steve Paxton, Deborah Hay, Yvonne Rainer, choreographers; Jennifer Tipton, lighting designer; Morton Feldman, Edvard Grieg, John Philip Sousa, Ludwig van Beethoven, composers; Tina Turner, performer; David Gordon, director; Charles Atlas, filmmaker.
Source (note)
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of the Mikhail Baryshnikov Archive, 1960-2010.
White Oak Dance Project : Past Forward Program A, Princeton, wide shot, 2000-08-03.
Patrons can access streaming video file online only onsite at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Simone Forti, David Gordon, Trisha Brown, Steve Paxton, Deborah Hay, Yvonne Rainer, choreographers; Jennifer Tipton, lighting designer; Morton Feldman, Edvard Grieg, John Philip Sousa, Ludwig van Beethoven, composers; Tina Turner, performer; David Gordon, director; Charles Atlas, filmmaker.
Recorded 2000 August 3. Princeton, New Jersey.
Original version
Original format: 1 videocassette (VHS) ; 1/2 in.
Linking entry
Forms part of the Mikhail Baryshnikov Archive, 1960-2010.