An unidentified NBC announcer introduces Robert Potts; Potts introduces the Merce Cunningham Dance Company in their rehearsal of Merce Cunningham's Signals; Potts comments on Cunningham's use of sound for his dances; Cunningham explains the meaning of the title, Signals, including short commentary on its choreographic structure; Potts compares Cunningham's dance style to ballet; Cunningham comments on his dancers' smiling and finding their own expression while dancing; Potts comments on the absence of storyline in Cunningham's dances; Potts announces the upcoming performance series at the Minskoff Theatre starting on January 17th [1977].
Alternative title
Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection. Audio materials.
Title provided by cataloger based on audition and typed note on original container.
An audio cut of a short news clip about dance in New York, by news reporter Robert Potts, that features Merce Cunningham and his Merce Cunningham Dance Company. Aired January 12, 1977 on NBC Television Network.
Typed note on original container: " "Merce Cunningham" ; NBCTV (Potts) ; January 12, 1977 ; Speed 7 1/2".
Sound quality is good; sounds of the dancer's feet in rehearsal for Merce Cunningham's Signals are audible in the background.
Donor's inventory number: R083.
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming audio only on site at NYPL Research Libraries.
Source (note)
Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of the Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection.
Cunningham, Merce, interviewee.
Merce Cunningham's clip on NBC Television news.
January 12, 1977.
Playing time
Type of content
spoken word
Type of medium
Type of carrier
audiotape reel
online resource
Digital file characteristics
audio file
Broadcast on NBCTV, New York, New York, 1977 January 12.
Original version
Archival original: (1 audiotape reel (8 minutes) : analog, 7 1/2 ips, full track, mono ; 5 in. rewound onto an archival 7 in. reel) in *LT-7-A 2347.
Restricted access
Patrons can access streaming audio only on site at NYPL Research Libraries.
Linking entry
Forms part of the Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection.
Local note
Transferred from original open tape reel by the New York Public Library's Audio and Moving Image Preservation (PAMI) sound engineering staff at the Library for the Performing Arts on January 9, 2014. To create the streaming file, the sound engineers edited out the recording silences in the preservation file, thus the discrepancies in length between the preservation file and the streaming file.