The triple challenge for Europe economic development, climate change, and governance
The triple challenge for Europe [electronic resource] : economic development, climate change, and governance / edited by Jan Fagerberg, Staffan Laestadius, and Ben R. Martin.
"Europe is confronted by an intimidating triple challenge--economic stagnation, climate change, and a governance crisis. This book demonstrates how these three challenges are closely inter-related. A return to economic growth cannot come at the expense of greater risk of irreversible climate change. Instead, what is required is a reconceptualization of what is intended by 'economic development' and a fundamental transformation of the economy to a new 'green' trajectory, based on rapidly diminishing emission of greenhouse gases. This entails a much greater emphasis on innovation in all its forms--not just technological. Innovation policy must be placed at the very heart of industrial policy and indeed of economic policy more broadly. Other parts of the world are also facing varying forms of the triple challenge, and while the governance challenge may not be exactly the same as for Europe and the EU, Europe is uniquely placed to take the lead in addressing the triple challenge. While this may well entail certain costs in the short term, it will undoubtedly bring considerable benefits in the longer term."--
The triple challenge for Europe [electronic resource] : economic development, climate change, and governance / edited by Jan Fagerberg, Staffan Laestadius, and Ben R. Martin.