Tell me where is fancy bred : (1938) (3:25) -- Voyage : (1943, orch. 1979) (5:12) -- Warble for lilac time : (1943, orch. 1979) (6:49) -- Piano concerto (1964-65) (23:28) -- Two thoughts about the piano : (2005-06) (10:57) -- Tri-tribute : (2007-08) (5:55) -- Nine by five : (2009) (7:45).
The 1st work for soprano and guitar; 2nd-3rd works for soprano and orchestra (the 2nd originally with piano); 4th work for piano and orchestra; 5th-6th works for piano; 7th work for wind quintet.
In the 1st work: Rosalind Rees, soprano ; David Starobin, guitar. In the 2nd-3rd works: Tony Arnold, soprano ; Colorado College Festival Orchestra ; Scott Yoo, conductor. In the 4th work: Charles Rosen, piano ; Basel Sinfonietta ; Joel Smirnoff, conductor. In the 5th-6th works: Steven Beck, piano. In the 7th work: Slowind Wind Quintet.
First work Recorded 1976 American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York City.
Second and third works Recorded 2007 June 22-23 Packard Hall, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Fourth work Recorded 2001 April 3 Stadtcasino, Basel.
Fifth and sixth works Recorded 2012 December Carl Nielsen Hall, Odense, Denmark.
Seventh work Recorded 2011 June Ljubljana, Slovenia.