1. El diablo suelto : (vals) / Heraclio Fernández (4:18) -- 2. Mimi : (bambuco) / Carlos Alberto Rozo Manrique (2:45) -- 3. Segura ele : (choro) / Pixinguinha (2:15) -- 4. Patasdilo : (pasillo) / Carlos Vieco (2:45) -- 5. El alegre pescador : (cumbia) / José Barros (4:32) -- 6. Ambar : (bambuco) / Juan Carlos Guio Andrade (2:24) -- 7. Lucerito : (bambuco) / Luis Mariano (5:48) -- 8. Um a zero : (choro) (3:09) ; 9. Vou vivendo : (choro) (5:19) / Pixinguinha -- 10. A pacheco : (pasillo) / Carlos Vieco (1:45) -- 11. Paçoca : (choro) / Celso Machado (4:35) -- 12. A los toros : (bambuco fiestero) / Emilio Murilo (3:29) -- 13. Momposina : (porro) / José Barros (4:01).
"Ambar currently performs a wide repertory of Latin American music in which three countries are emphasized: Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil"--Insert, p. 2.
Instrumental music (bambucos, pasillos, cumbias, porros, joropos, choros, etc.); occasional vocal interjections in Spanish occur.
Event (note)
Recorded at the Choral Arts Academy, Moscow, Russia.
Source of description (note)
Description based on hard copy version record.
Ambar Music Group. Performer
El diablo suelto [electronic resource] / the Ambar Music Group.
Sonoma, Calif. : Delos, p2010.
Ambar Music Group (Sasha Rozhdestvensky, violin; Francisco González, guitar, voice; Nelson Gómez, guitarrón; Juan Fernando García, percussion, flute) ; Joaquín Riaño, guitar (2nd-6th and 8th-13th works) ; Ricardo Sandoval, mandolin, cuatro (1st and 7th works) ; Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Constantine Orbelian, conductor (5th, 13th works).
Recorded at the Choral Arts Academy, Moscow, Russia.