D-dúr lantverseny = Concerto for lute in D major / Antonio Vivaldi (11:34) -- Amarilli mia bella (3:21) ; Amarilli mia bella (3:04) / Giulio Caccini -- Dal a Kájoni Kódexből = Song from the Kájoni Codex (1:17) -- Táncok a Linus kéziratból = Dances from the Linus manuscript (4:47) -- O bellissimi capelli / Andrea Falconieri (2:07) -- Caro mio ben / Giuseppe Giordani (4:10) -- Engels Nachtegaeltje / Jacob van Eyck (3:10) -- Fűzfa-dal = Willow song (6:00) -- Balletti / Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi (6:47) -- Largo a Négu évszakból = Largo from the four seasons (Winter) : op. 8, no. 4 / Antonio Vivaldi (3:45) -- Korál = Choral / Georg Fr. Handel (3:25) -- Air a III. D-dúr Zenekari szvitből = Air from the Orchestral suite no 3 in D major, BWV 1068 (5:00) ; Ave Maria (4:32) / J.S. Bach.
Transcribed and arranged by Dániel Benkő (tracks 4-11, 13-20).
Event (note)
Recorded at the Hungaroton Studio and at the CÉH Studios.
Source of description (note)
Description based on hard copy version record.
Benkő, Dániel, 1947-
Baroque pop [electronic resource] / works by Vivaldi, Caccini, Falconieri, Giordani, J. van Eyck, Gastoldi, Handel, Bach.
[Budapest] : Hungaroton, p2000.
Hungaroton classic
Hungaroton classic.
Dániel Benkő, lute and guitar ; Dénes Gulyás, tenor (tracks 4, 10, 11) ; Katalin Pitti (track 6), Eszter Wierdl (track 13), sopranos ; Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar (tracks 1-3) ; János Rolla, leader.
Recorded at the Hungaroton Studio and at the CÉH Studios.