Lord, what is man, lost man : Z. 192 [T, harpsichord] (4:54) -- O solitude : Z. 406 [S, theorbo] (4:49) -- In the black, dismal dungeon of despair : Z. 190 [T, continuo] (4:11) -- Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes : Z. 136 [SSTB, continuo] (4:17) -- Voluntary in G, Z. 720 [organ] (2:46) -- In guilty night : Z. 134 [STB, continuo] (8:15) -- Voluntary in C, Z. 717 [organ] (1:17) -- Plung'd in the confines of despair : Z. 142 [TTB, continuo] (4:21) -- Awake, ye dead : Z. 182 [BB, continuo] (3:04) -- The earth trembled : Z. 197 [S, harpsichord] (1:52) -- My op'ning eyes are purg'd : Z. D72 [B, continuo] / anon. (4:48) -- With sick and famish'd eyes : Z. 200 [T, continuo] (4:26) -- Ground in C, Z. D221 [harpsichord] / William Croft? (3:57) -- O, I'm sick of life : Z. 140 [TTB, continuo] (4:22) -- Close thine eyes : Z. 184 [SB, continuo] (3:30) -- Funeral sentences : Z. 27 [vocal ensemble, continuo] (9:12).
Principally sacred songs and vocal ensembles with continuo.
Originally issued in 1995 as Archiv Produktion: 445 829-2.