In implementing the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) the European Union offers a deeper political and economic relationship to its neighbours--but without a promise of EU membership. The ENP is intended to be a strategic approach to the post-enlargement situation which redraws boundaries between the EU ̀insiders' and the ̀outsiders' on the EU's borders.
This volume presents an empirical exploration of the ENP, in which the main emphasis is on an assessment of the impact the ENP has had so far and the factors that have shaped its implementation since 2003. The volume also provides a perspective on how to study this relatively new policy area. It contends that the ENP represents a distinctive challenge for scholars studying the European Union and that the development of a Structured relationship that embraces neighbouring states represents a ̀coming of age' for the Union. --Book Jacket.
Introduction /S. Wolff & R.G. Whitman -- PART I: THE STUDY OF THE EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY : European Union Normative Power in the European Neighbourhood Policy / I. Manners -- Identity Construction through the ENP / B. Tonra -- PART II: MAKING SENSE OF THE EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY : The ENP, Security and Democracy in the Context of the European Security Strategy / S. Biscop -- The ENP as a Counterpart or Counterpart to Enlargement / R.G. Whitman -- Lessons from the Balkans? -- The ENP as Conflict Management/Prevention / A. Penn Rodt & S. Wolff -- The ENP and Transatlantic Relations / S. Rynning -- The ENP and EU-Russia Relations / I. Kempe -- PART III: THE EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY IN PRACTICE : ENP in the Middle East / C. Echeverria -- ENP in North Africa / F. Bicchi -- ENP in the South Caucasus; R.M. Cutler -- ENP in Eastern Europe / G. Sasse * CONCLUSIONS: WHERE NEXT FOR THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENP? : Defining a New Field: The Study of ENP / R.G. Whitman & S. Wolff -- The ENP in Future Perspective / A. Missiroli.