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International animal agriculture; proceedings of a symposium at Urbana, Illinois, February 27 and 28, 1969.


[Urbana] University of Illinois, College of Agriculture, 1970.


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A richer harvest [microform].


[New York, 1967]


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Rapport au gouvernement du Royaume du Maroc sur la formation professionnelle rurale.


Genève, B. I. T., 1967.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJSF 74-268Item locationOffsite

Imports and plantings of high-yielding varieties of wheat and rice in the less developed nations. [Enl. and updated] By Dana G. Dalrymple.


Washington, Foreign Economic Development Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture [1971]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLM 74-1470 v. 7-8Item locationOffsite

The intersection of foreign and domestic policy: the examples in Public Law 480.


Urbana, 1970.


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FormatMicroformCall number*ZH-390 5 misc. american history titlesItem locationOffsite

Angola: fomento agrícola. Volume 1. J. S. C.


[Luanda, 1950]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLF 78-1 v. 1Item locationOffsite

Servicios a los paises, Chile.


Santiago, Chile.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLM 78-1341 1973Item locationOffsite

Servicios a los paises. Argentina.


Buenos Aires.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLM 78-1345 1974-75Item locationOffsite

L'éducation rurale et la diffusion des nouvelles techniques agricoles en Haute-Volta : [étude / réalisée par Yvonne Lefèbvre, Michel Lefèbvre, Lê Thi Nam Trân ; sous la direction d'Isabelle Deblé].


Paris : Université de Paris I, Institut d'étude du développement économique et social, 1973.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFG 80-100Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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World hunger : the responsibility of Christian education / Suzanne C. Toton.


Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c1982.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLE 82-388|m(SASB)Item locationOffsite

Agricultural assistance sources.


New York, N.Y. : International Agricultural Development Service, 1980.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLE 82-897Item locationOffsite

Le contrat de solidarité comme moyen d'aménagement de l'aide alimentaire [microform] / Thérèse Pang.


[Genève] : Institut international d'études sociales, c1978.


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The growth of hunger : a new politics of agriculture / René Dumont and Nicholas Cohen.


London ; Boston : M. Boyars ; Victoria [Australia] : distributed by T. C. Lothian, 1980.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLD 84-569Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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New York, International Agricultural Development Service.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLL 82-214 1979-1980Item locationOffsite

Aid for the development of irrigation / edited by Ian D. Carruthers.


Paris, France : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1983.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLE 84-1437Item locationOffsite

Against the grain : the dilemma of project food aid / by Tony Jackson with Deborah Eade.


Oxford [Oxfordshire] : OXFAM, 1982.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLD 86-38Item locationOffsite

The African food problem and the challenge to the international community [microform] / Lawi Andrew Odero-Ogwel.


Kisumu, Kenya : Anyange Press, 1983.


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FormatMicroformCall number*ZT-1896Item locationOffsite

Ill fares the land : essays on food, hunger, and power / Susan George.


Washington, D.C. : Institute for Policy Studies, c1984.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLD 86-3899Item locationOffsite

La Lettre de Solagral.


Rennes, [France] : Solagral


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFM 93-298 v. 88-105 Jan. 1990 - June 1991Item locationOffsite
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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFM 93-298 v. 77-78 1989Item locationOffsite
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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFM 93-298 v. 66-76 1988Item locationOffsite
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Boletín de información extranjera / Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Instituto de Estudios Agrarios, Pesqueros y Alimentarios.


[Madrid, Spain] : El Instituto


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLL 86-293 Library has: Sept./dic. 1984-mayo/agosto 1988 (incomplete). no. 1-4 (Jan-Aug. 1988)Item locationOffsite
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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLL 86-293 Library has: Sept./dic. 1984-mayo/agosto 1988 (incomplete). (July-Dec 1987)Item locationOffsite
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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLL 86-293 Library has: Sept./dic. 1984-mayo/agosto 1988 (incomplete). (Jan-June 1987)Item locationOffsite

Overseas aid and the transfer of technology : the political economy of agricultural mechanisation in the Third World / David Burch.


Aldershot, [Hants, England] ; Brookfield [Vt.], USA : Avebury, c1987.


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FormatTextCall numberJLD 87-3051Item locationOffsite

Annual report.


Rome, Italy : IFAD, 1979-


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The four world food agencies in Rome / by Ross B. Talbot.


Ames : Iowa State University Press, 1990.


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FormatTextCall numberJBE 90-909Item locationOffsite

Food aid projections for the decade of the 1990s : report of an ad hoc panel meeting, October 6 & 7, 1988.


Washington, D.C. : Board on Science and Technology for International Development, Office of International Affairs, National Research Council : National Academy Press [distributor], [1989]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLF 90-682Item locationOffsite

World food report.


[Rome] : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1983-


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLM 88-59 1985-1987Item locationOffsite

Food aid : the challenge and the opportunity / Hans Singer, John Wood, Tony Jennings.


Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1987.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLE 89-220Item locationOffsite

The Design of agricultural investment projects : lessons from experience.


Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1989.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJBG 90-186Item locationOffsite

Ill fares the land : essays on food, hunger and power / Susan George.


London ; New York : Penguin, 1990.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJBD 91-366Item locationOffsite

World hunger : a reference handbook / Patricia L. Kutzner.


Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-Clio, c1991.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*R-RMRR HD9000.5 .K883 1991Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 - Reference

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Politics and poverty : a critique of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations / John Abbott.


London ; New York : Routledge, 1992.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 92-2940Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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An end to hunger? : the social origins of food strategies / Solon L. Barraclough.


London ; Atlantic Highlands, N.J., USA : Zed Books : Geneva : UNRISD : South Centre, 1991.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 92-4084Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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World food and agriculture : some problems and issues / Sisay Asefa, editor.


Kalamazoo, Mich. : W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1988.


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FormatTextCall numberJBE 92-580Item locationOffsite

Agricultural growth and assistance to Africa : lessons of a quarter century / Uma Lele.


San Francisco, CA : International Center for Economic Growth/ICS Press [distributor], c1990.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJBE 92-503Item locationOffsite

Aid to African agriculture : lessons from two decades of donors' experience / Uma Lele, editor.


Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberSc E 92-360Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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FormatBook/TextCall numberJBE 92-2130Item locationOffsite

La faim? Pourquoi-- / François de Ravignan.


Paris : Editions Syros, c1983.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 93-3036Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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International organisations and Nigerian agricultural development : the case of the World Bank / by Ishrat Husain.


Ilorin, Nigeria : ARMTI Press, c1988.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberSc D 93-434Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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La cooperación internacional y la persistencia de la pobreza en los Andes bolivianos / Nico Van Niekerk.


La Paz, Bolivia : UNITAS : MCTH, 1992.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFF 93-780Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Transforming African agriculture [microform] / Carl K. Eicher.


San Francisco, CA (1388 Sutter St., San Francisco 94109) : Hunger Project, c1986.


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Welternährung und die Verantwortlichkeit der Industrieländer [microform] / von Stefan Tangermann.


Kiel : Institut für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel, 1986.


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Seasons of sand / Ernst Aebi.


New York : Simon & Schuster, c1993.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberSc D 93-1355Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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FormatBook/TextCall numberJBD 93-1677Item locationOffsite

A blighted harvest : the World Bank & African agriculture in the 1980s / Peter Gibbon, Kjell J. Havnevik, Kenneth Hermele.


London : James Currey ; Trenton, N.J. : Africa World Press, 1993.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberSc D 95-1011Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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FormatBook/TextCall numberJBD 94-780Item locationOffsite

L'Agriculture méditerranénne dans les rapports nord-sud / Aït Amara ; préface de Samir Amin.


Paris : L'Harmattan, 1992.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 95-10452Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

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Recherches sur le développement rural en Afrique centrale.


[Liège? 1966]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberF-11 7743Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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