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Sju skåne-koraler : för orgel / Roland Forsberg.

Notated music

Stockholm : Nordiska musikförlaget, c1978.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 81-283Item locationOffsite
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Chorale partita, Herzliebster Jesu, for organ, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones.

Notated music

Los Angeles, Western International Music [1972]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJNF 72-76Item locationOffsite

Modus aeolius [microform].

Notated music


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FormatMicroformCall numberJOG 73-43Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music
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FormatMicroformCall number*ZBT-411 no. 19Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music

Johann Sebastian Bachs vierstimmige Choralgesänge.

Notated music

Leipzig, J. G. I. Breitkopf, 1784-87.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJOF 75-1Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Sonate: für Orgel Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag / Ernst Vogel.

Notated music

[Wien] : Verlag Doblinger, [1974]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 76-194Item locationOffsite

Vierstimmige Choralgesänge. Gesammelt von Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Zwei Teile in einem Band.

Notated music

Hildesheim, New York, G. Olms Verlag [1975]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 75-530Item locationOffsite

Festliche Orgelchoräle zur Advents- und Weihnachtszeit.

Notated music

Neuhausen-Stuttgart, Hänssler Verlag [1975]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMG 75-1006Item locationOffsite

Ephrata Cloister chorales; a collection of hymns and anthems. Edited and with English words by Russell P. Getz.

Notated music

New York, G. Schirmer [c1971]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJNF 73-100Item locationOffsite

Kirchliche Fest-Ouverture über den Choral Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott : op. 31 / Otto Nicolai ; für Orgel gesetzt von Franz Liszt ; [hrsg. von] Otto Biba.

Notated music

Wien: Verlag Doblinger, [c1974]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall number**MN D475 Nr. 655Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.

Now let every tongue adore thee; chorale from Bach's Sleepers wake. Arr. Stanford.

Notated music

New York, Boosey & Hawkes [c1898]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberMusic (Sheet) 77-453Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Zwanzig geistliche Lieder der Schemellischen Sammlung entnommen und für eine Singstimme mit Pianoforte ausgearbeitet von Robert Franz.

Notated music

Leipzig, F. E. C. Leuckart. [188-?]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 76-730Item locationOffsite

A Moravian music sampler / edited and arr. with notes by Karl Kroeger.

Notated music

Winston-Salem, N. C. : Moravian Music Foundation, [1974]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall number*MAA (Moravian Music Foundation. Publications, no. 7)Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.

Deux chants; chant et guitare; [par] J. S. Bach. [Basse chiffrée, realisée par Frangois Castet]

Notated music

Paris A. Leduc [c1966]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberMusic (Sheet) 77-605Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Prelude, 10 chorale settings and postlude, for unison choir and handbells, op. 61, no. 2.

Notated music

Saint Louis, Concordia Pub. House [c1976]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJNG 77-90Item locationOffsite

Musicalisches Gesang-Buch / hrsg. von George Christian Schemelli.


Hildesheim; New York: G. Olms, 1975.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatBook/TextCall numberJMC 78-118Item locationOffsite

Allgemeines Choral-Melodienbuch.

Notated music

Hildesheim, New York, G. Olms Verlag, 1978.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 79-101Item locationOffsite

Choralsonate Nr. 2, Aus tiefer Not, schrei ich zu dir (Av dypest nød jeg rope må), für Cello (Fagott) und Orgel.

Notated music

Oslo, Norsk musikforlag [1973]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 76-512Item locationOffsite

Three chorale intradas = 3 koralintrader : for organ, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones / Kjell Mörk Karlsen.

Notated music

Oslo : Norsk musikforlag, [c1975]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 77-24Item locationOffsite

Das Kirchenjahr : eine Folge von Choralfantasien für Orgel / Alfred Baum.

Notated music

Zürich : Eulenburg ; New York : Edition Eulenburg, [c1976]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 77-806Item locationOffsite

Selections from the Musical notebook for Anna Magdelena. [Sound recording]


Quintessence PMC 7083. [1978] p1966.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatMusical recordingCall number*LSRX 7002Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound

F. C. Breitendichs Choral-bog. 1764 / udg. i facsimile of Samfundet dansk kirkesang ; med en oversigt over koralbogens melodier ved Henrik Glahn.

Notated music

København : D. Fog Musikforlag, 1970.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJME 79-163Item locationOffsite

Sonate Nr. 1. c-moll. für die Orgel, op. 13, über den Choral Befiehl du deine Wege / Jan Albert van Eyken ; [hrsg. von] Joachim Dorfmüller.

Notated music

Bad Godesberg : R. Forberg Musikverlag ; New York : sole agent for the U. S. A., C. F. Peters Corp., [c1974]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJMG 78-119Item locationOffsite

10 Choralsatze : für Singstimmen, Blockflöten und Orff-Instrumente / Heinz Sölter.

Notated music

Zürich : Musikverlag zum Pelikan, c1974.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 81-920Item locationOffsite

De profundis : variationer over koralen Af dybsens nød : for organ / Niels la Cour.

Notated music

[s.l.] : Edition Egtved, c1979.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 81-689Item locationOffsite

Da Jesus an dem Kreuze Stund : Choralphantasie, Orgel / Michael Radulescu.

Notated music

Wien : Doblinger, [c1979]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 81-934Item locationOffsite

Partita super Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt / Waldemar Bloch.

Notated music

Wien : Doblinger, [c1979]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberMusic (Sheet) 82-287Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Choralbearbeitungen : für Orgel / Matthias Weckman ; hrsg. von Werner Breig.

Notated music

Kassel : Bärenreiter, 1979.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJME 82-61Item locationOffsite

Lobt den Herrn : Choralvariationen für Trompete und Orgel / Ernst Pfiffner.

Notated music

Zürich : Eulenburg ; New York : Edition Eulenburg, [c1979]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJMD 81-242Item locationOffsite

Via Crucis : für Orgel / Jon Laukvik.

Notated music

[Oslo] : Norsk musikforlag, [c1979]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberMusic (Sheet) 82-110Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Kleine Partita : Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort : Orgel / Anton Heiller.

Notated music

Wien : Doblinger, c1979.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberMusic (Sheet) 82-351Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Choralvorspiel und Fantasie : über "Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich" / Alfred Keller.

Notated music

Zürich : Eulenburg ; New York : Edition Eulenburg, c1979.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberMusic (Sheet) 82-109Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Choral-Toccata : O Heiland, reiss die Himmel auf : Melodie Augsburg 1666 / Heinz Wehrle.

Notated music

Zürich : Eulenburg ; New York : Edition Eulenburg, [c1979]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberMusic (Sheet) 82-44Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Partita für Orgel : über In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr / Heinrich Ehmann.

Notated music

Wolfenbüttel : Möseler Verlag, c1979.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMD 82-80Item locationOffsite

Chorale on a theme by Leo Hassler (1601) : Wenn ich einmal soll scheiden : (Geneva, Oct. 29, 1929) / George Templeton Strong.

Notated music



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FormatManuscript notated musicCall numberJPB 82-12Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

[Chorales. Selections / Walter Damrosch].

Notated music



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FormatManuscript notated musicCall numberJPB 82-76 no. 5Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Leise settings of the Renaissance and Reformation era / edited by Johannes Riedel.

Notated music

Madison, Wisc. : A-R Editions, c1980.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 82-563Item locationOffsite

Choral partita on "From heaven above to earth I come" = Vom Himmel hoch : op. 18 / Paul Manz.

Notated music

St. Louis, Mo. : Concordia, 1977.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJNG 81-239Item locationOffsite

Choral-Variationen : nach dem altkirchlichen Gloria in excelsis, für Orgel / Norbert Linke.

Notated music

Heidelberg : W. Müller, [c1979]


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberMusic (Sheet) 83-261Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Fantasia on Hayn / Karl Kroeger.

Notated music

[s.l.] : Boosey & Hawkes, c1980.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 88-611Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Hosannah : für Bassposaune und Orgel = for bass trombone and organ / Franz Liszt ; herausgegeben von Burghard Schloemann.

Notated music

Mainz ; New York : Schott, c1983.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMG 88-416Item locationOffsite

Now let ev'ry tongue adore Thee : four part chorale for men's voices : from the cantata Sleepers awake / Johann Sebastian Bach ; [arr. by Henry Hadley].

Notated music



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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatManuscript notated musicCall numberJPB 83-2 Box 77Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

O Mensch, bewein' dein' Sünde gross : Choralphantasie : Orgel / Michael Radulescu.

Notated music

Wien : Doblinger, c1983.


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMF 89-1090Item locationOffsite

Pièces libres et chorals : pour orgue / Pierre Segond.

Notated music

[S.l.] : Cantate Domino, [1980]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMD 83-243Item locationOffsite

Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott ; Was Gott thut das ist wohlgetan : twee klavieren en pedaal / Gronau.

Notated music

Amersfoort : J.C. Willemsen, [1981?]


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FormatNotated musicCall numberJMG 88-1598Item locationOffsite

[Collection of German hymns and chorales / collected by Johannes Stover].

Notated music



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FormatManuscript notated musicCall numberJPC 85-1Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music

Partita über ein altes Marienlied : Sagt an, wer ist doch diese : Choral mit 6 Variationen, Orgel / Siegfried Hildenbrand.

Notated music

Zürich : Eulenburg ; New York : Edition Eulenburg, c1978.


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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatNotated musicCall numberJMD 82-162Item locationOffsite

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