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On borrowed time : how the growth in entitlement spending threatens America's future / Peter G. Peterson and Neil Howe.
San Francisco, Calif. : ICS Press, c1988.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberJLE 89-510|m(SASB) | Item locationOffsite |
The take-up of means-tested benefits, 1984-90 / Vanessa Fry and Graham Stark.
London : Institute for Fiscal Studies, c1993.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberJBD 93-1068 | Item locationOffsite |
Between the lines : interpreting welfare rights / R. Shep Melnick.
Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution, c1994.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberJBE 94-673 | Item locationOffsite |
Visions of entitlement : the care and education of America's children / edited by Mary A. Jensen and Stacie G. Goffin.
Albany, N.Y. : State University of New York Press, c1993.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberJFE 94-4816 --- | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Demosclerosis : the silent killer of American government / Jonathan Rauch.
New York : Times Books, c1994.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberJFE 94-9276 --- | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
The good life and its discontents : the American dream in the age of entitlement, 1945-1995 / Robert J. Samuelson.
New York : Times Books, c1995.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberJBE 96-681 | Item locationOffsite |
The return of thrift : how the coming collapse of the middle-class welfare state will reawaken values in America / Phillip Longman.
New York : Free Press, c1996.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberJBE 96-1303 | Item locationOffsite |
Will America grow up before it grows old? : how the coming social security crisis threatens you, your family, and your country / Peter G. Peterson.
New York : Random House, c1996.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberJBD 97-515 | Item locationOffsite |
Reducing entitlement spending / Congressional Budget Office.
Washington, D.C. : The Congress of the United States, Congressional Budget Office, 1994.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberJBF 98-107 | Item locationOffsite |
Discretionary spending procedures at the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Transportation : hearing before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, second session, July 21, 1998.
Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, 1999.
0 resources
Government's end : why Washington stopped working / Jonathan Rauch.
New York : PublicAffairs, c1999.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberJFD 00-15316 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Overview of the conference agreement on the revenue provisions of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (H.R. 2264) / prepared by the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation.
Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., 1993.
0 resources
Penny-Kasich amendment to the Government Reform and Savings Act of 1993 : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, hearing held in Washington, DC, November 10, 1993.
Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, 1994.
0 resources
The erosion of the American dream : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, hearing held in Washington, DC, March 13, 1996.
Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, 1996.
0 resources
A legacy to our children : understanding intergenerational economic issues : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, second session, hearing held in Washington, DC, July 27, 2000.
Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : [Congressional Sales Office, Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor], 2000.
2 resources
Available online
View all available online resourcesTax expenditures : the hidden entitlements.
[Washington, D.C.] : Citizens for Tax Justice, 1996.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberJBF 03-448 | Item locationOffsite |
Running on empty : how the Democratic and Republican Parties are bankrupting our future and what Americans can do about it / Peter G. Peterson.
New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, c2004.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberID 04-4640 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Milstein Division Room 121 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Entitlement issues in the domestic budget : the long-term agenda / edited by John C. Weicher.
Washington, D.C. : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, c1985.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberJLE 86-436 | Item locationOffsite |
Social security and the middle-class squeeze : fact and fiction about America's entitlement programs / Leonard J. Santow and Mark E. Santow ; foreword by Henry Kaufman.
Westport, Conn. : Praeger Publishers, 2005.
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Table of contentsFormat | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberJFE 05-11065 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Entitlement reform process : other countries' experiences / U.S. Government Accountability Offfice [sic.].
New York : Nova Science Publishers, c2008.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberJBD 08-629 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
America's entitlement society.
Hillsdale, Mich. : Hillsdale College Press, 2008.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberJFE 08-3334 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
The broken budget process : legislative proposals : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session, hearing held in Washington, DC, May 31, 2012.
Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 2012.
1 resource
Available online spending : our coming fiscal tsunami / David Koitz.
Stanford, CA : Hoover Institution Press, 2012.
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberJBE 13-577 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 |
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The President's fiscal year 2014 budget : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held in Washington, DC, April 11, 2013.
Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013.
0 resources
Mandatory spending : trends and sources of growth.
Washington, D.C. : Congressional Budget Office, [1992]
1 resource
Available online seniors and our most vulnerable citizens from an entitlement crisis : hearing before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, March 18, 2013.
Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013.
1 resource
Available online broken budget process : legislative proposals : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session, hearing held in Washington, DC, May 31, 2012.
[Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Government Printing Office, [2012]
0 resources
Saving seniors and our most vulnerable citizens from an entitlement crisis : hearing before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, March 18, 2013.
[Washington, District of Columbia] : U.S. Government Printing Office, [2014]
0 resources
The President's fiscal year 2014 revenue and economic policy proposals : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held in Washington, DC, April 16, 2013.
Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013.
0 resources
The federal government on autopilot : mandatory spending and the entitlement crisis : hearing before the Executive Overreach Task Force of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session, July 6, 2016.
Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
1 resource
Available online debt : direction, drivers, and dangers : hearing before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session, September 8, 2016.
Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2017.
1 resource
Available online debt : direction, drivers, and dangers : hearing before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session, September 8, 2016.
Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2017.
0 resources
Domestic entitlements : meeting the needs : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session, hearing held in Washington, DC, February 17, 2005.
Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2005.
4 resources
Available online
View all available online resourcesLow-wage workers, poverty and use of selected federal social safety net programs persist among working families : report to the Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, U.S. Senate.
[Washington, D.C.] : United States Government Accountability Office, 2017.
1 resource
Available online nation of takers : America's entitlement epidemic / [edited by] Nicholas Eberstadt.
West Conshohocken, Pa. : Templeton Press, c2012.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberJBC 17-40 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
The high cost of good intentions : a history of U.S. federal entitlement programs / John F. Cogan.
Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, [2017]
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call number*R-SIBL HJ7543 .C64 | Item locationOff-site |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Off to submit a request in person.
The President's fiscal year 2014 budget : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held in Washington, DC, April 11, 2013.
Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013.
1 resource
Available online President's fiscal year 2014 revenue and economic policy proposals : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held in Washington, DC, April 16, 2013.
Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013.
1 resource
Available online budgétaire et réduction de la pauvreté à travers les dépenses sociales au Mali / Alhousseyni Amadou Maïga.
Paris : L'Harmattan, [2022]
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberReCAP 23-11135 | Item locationOffsite |
Entitlement spending : our coming fiscal tsunami / David Koitz.
Stanford, CA : Hoover Institution Press, 2012.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberHJ2052 .K64 2012g | Item locationOff-site |
Between the lines : interpreting welfare rights / R. Shep Melnick.
Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution, [1994], ©1994.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberKF3720 .M45 1994 | Item locationOff-site |
The return of thrift : how the coming collapse of the middle-class welfare state will reawaken values in America / Phillip Longman.
New York : Free Press, [1996], ©1996.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberHJ7543 .L66 1996 | Item locationOff-site |
Entitlement issues in the domestic budget : the long-term agenda / edited by John C. Weicher.
Washington, D.C. : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, c1985.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberHJ2052 .E57 1985 | Item locationOff-site |
Interim report to the President / Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform.
Washington, DC : The Commission : Supt. of Docs. [distributor], [1994]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberPR 42.8:B 52/IN 8 | Item locationOff-site |
Reducing entitlement spending.
Washington, DC : Congress of the U.S., Congressional Budget Office : For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., [1994]
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FormatText | Call numberY 10.2:R 24/5 | Item locationOff-site |
Staff report on entitlement reform options : reference materials.
[Washington, D.C.?] : Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform, [1994]
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberPR 42.8:B 52/EN 8 | Item locationOff-site |
Staff report on entitlement reform options : summary materials.
[Washington, D.C.?] : Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform, [1994]
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberPR 42.8:B 52/IN 8/SUM. | Item locationOff-site |
Final report : with reform proposals and additional views of commissioners / Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform ; J. Robert Kerrey, chairman ; John C. Danforth, vice-chairman.
Washington, DC : The Commission : Supt. of Docs. [distributor], [1995]
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberPR 42.8:B 52/F 49 | Item locationOff-site |
On borrowed time : how the growth in entitlement spending threatens America's future / Peter G. Peterson, Neil Howe ; with a new introduction by the authors.
New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers, [2004], ©2004.
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Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberHJ2051 .P484 2004 | Item locationOff-site |
Social security and the middle-class squeeze : fact and fiction about America's entitlement programs / Leonard J. Santow and Mark E. Santow ; foreword by Henry Kaufman.
Westport, Conn. : Praeger Publishers, 2005.
2 items
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatBook/Text | Call numberHD7125 .S26 2005 | Item locationOff-site |
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FormatBook/Text | Call number | Item locationOff-site |
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