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Annuaire. Supplement. Distribution des pluies en France.




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The mariner's new daily assistant: containing the application of plane and spherical trigonometry to practical navigation & nautical astronomy; with a method of finding the latitude by meridian altitudes; and a journal of a voyage from London towards Madras ... By James Griffin ...


London, Blachford and Imray, 1844.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberVXF (Griffin, J. Mariner's new daily assistant)Item locationOffsite
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The mariner's guide; or, A new and truly original method ... of knowing the principal fixed stars in the heavens ... in any given longitude and latitude ...


London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1827.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberVXFB (Machan, R. Mariner's guide)Item locationOffsite

Tables of difference of latitude and departure for navigators, land surveyors, &c., with their application to plane trigonometry, and their use in plotting and calculating surveys ... To which is prefixed, an account of the diurnal variation of the magnetic needle ... the use of a new surveying instrument, &c ... Compiled at the instance of a committee of the Dublin Society, by John Hood ...


Dublin, Printed and sold by W. Sleater in Castlestreet, for the author, 1772.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberVDE (Hood, J. Tables of difference of latitude and departure)Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328

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Ilha de S. Tomé. Relatório da missão geodésica pelo Capitão de Mar e Guerra Gago Coutinho, chefe da missão. 1915-1918.


Lisboa, Imprensa nacional, 1920.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberOXC+ (Gago Coutinho, C. V. Ilha de S. Tomé)Item locationOffsite

Tafeln zur astronomischen Ortsbestimmung.


Berlin, Julius Springer, 1913.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberOXC+ (Kohlschutter, A. Tafeln zur astronomischen Ortsbestimmung)Item locationOffsite

Determinação da posição geographica de Queluz (Lafayette) e de Ouro Preto effectuada no correr do anno de 1906, pelos astronomos H. Morize e Nuno Duarte Silva.


Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa nacional, 1908.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberOXC+ (Observatorio nacional, Rio de Janeiro. Determinação da posição geographica de Queluz)Item locationOffsite

Posiciones geográficas de varios puntos del imperio mexicano colectados por los ingenieros don Manuel Orozco y Berra, don Francisco Martínez de Chavero y don Francisco Jiménez ...


México, J.M. Andrade y F. Escalante, 1866.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberOXC (Orozco y Berra, M. Posiciones geograficas de varios puntos)Item locationOffsite
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Geographische Positionen.


München, Jati Verlag, 1921.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberOXC (Wolff, H. Geographische Positionen)Item locationOffsite

Examen et rectification des positions déterminées astronomiquement en Afrique par Mungo-Park.


[Paris, 1834]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberKAT p.v. 103 13 titlesItem locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Voyage fait par ordre du roi en 1750 et 1751, dans l'Amérique Septientrionale, pour rectifier les cartes des côtes de l'Acadie, de l'isle Royale & de l'isle de Terre-Neuve; et pour en fixer les principaux points par des observations astronomiques. Par M. de Chabert ...


Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1753.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*KF 1753 (Chabert de Cogolin, J. B. Voyage fait par ordre du roi en 1750 et 1751)Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328

A description of the geographical clock: which contains the names and situations of the most remarkable places in the world; and exhibits at one view, the time of day or night at all those places round the globe: with a copious index. Intended for the instruction and amusement of youth.


London, Printed by Darton and Co. and sold by the author, Thomas Rippon [etc.] 1791.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberKAT p.v. 276 no. 1-5Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Navigation improved; with a number of requisite tables to ascertain the latitude and longitude at sea: together with proper rules and examples for illustrating the same. By Joseph Moore ...


Salem [Mass.] Printed by Thomas C. Cushing, 1815.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberVXC p.v. 74 no. 7Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

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FormatBook/TextCall number*KF 1815 (Moore, J. Navigation improved)Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328

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Voyage fait par ordre du roi en 1771 et 1772, en diverses parties de l'Europe, de l'Afrique et de l'Amérique; pour vérifier l'utilité de plusieurs méthodes & instrumens, servant à déterminer la latitude & la longitude, tant du vaisseau que des côtes, isles & écueils qu'on reconnoît: suivi de recherches pour rectifier les cartes hydrographiques, par Mrs. de Verdun de la Crenne ... le chevalier de Borda ... et Pingré ...


Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1778.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*KF 1778 (Verdun de la Crenne, J. R. A. Voyage fait par ordre du roi en 1771 et 1772)Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328

On the representation of the mean yearly temperature of a place as a function of its geographical longitude and latitude ... by Wilhelm Schoch. Translated, with an introduction, by Frank Waldo.




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FormatManuscriptCall numberPRD p.v. 85 no. 1-11Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Tractatvs de globis, cœlesti et terrestri eorvmque vsv. Primum conscriptus & editus à Roberto Hues Anglo semelque atque iterum à Iudoco Hondio excusus, & nunc elegantibus iconibus & figuris locupletatus: ac de novo recognitus multisque observationibus oportunè illustratus ac passim auctus operâ ac studio Iohannis Isacii Pontani ...


Amstelodami, Excudebat Iudocus Hondius, 1617.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*KB 1617 (Hues, R. Tractatvs de globis, clesti et terrestri eorvmque vsv)Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328

Tractatus de globis, cœlesti et terrestri, ac eorvm vsv, conscriptvs a Roberto Hves, denuo auctior & emendatior editus.


[Heidelberg], Typis Gotthardi Vœgelini, [1613?]


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FormatBook/TextCall number*KB 1613 (Hues, R. Tractatus de globis, clesti et terrestri, ac eorvm vsv)Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328

Vietas ̓geografiskā platuma un garuma noteikšana.


Rīgā ["Grāmatrūpnieks"] 1929.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*QYN p.v. 54 no. 1-9Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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De Dimensione Terræ Et Geometrice Nvmerandis locorum particularium interuallis ex Doctrina triangulorum Sphæricorum & Canone subtensarum Liber, Denuo editus, sed auctius multo & correctius, quam antea. Avtore Casparo Peucero. Descriptio Locorvm Terræ Sanctæ exactissima Autore quodam Brocardo Monacho. Aliqvot Insignivm Locorum Terræ Sanctæ explicatio & historiæ per Philppvm Melanthonem.


VVittebergæ, [Johannes Crato], 1554.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*KB 1554 (Peucer, K. De Dimensione Terræ Et Geometrice Nvmerandis locorum particularium interuallis ex Doctrina triangulorum Sphæricorum & Canone subtensarum Liber, Denuo editus, sed auctius multo & correctius, quam antea)Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328

Ueber die geographische Lage der Stadt Coburg.


Coburg, 1798.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberOAI p.v. 103, no. 2 no. 1-15Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

A true and impartial journal of a voyage to the South-seas, and round the globe, in His Majesty's ship the Centurion, under the command of Commodore George Anson ... Together with some historical accounts of Chili, Peru, Mexico, and the empire of China ... To which is added, a large and generaltable of longitudes and latitudes ... By Pascoe Thomas, teacher of the mathematicks on board the Centurion.


London, S. Birt [etc.] 1745.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*KC 1745 (Thomas, P. True and impartial journal of a voyage to the South-seas) Copy 1 8-*KC 1745 (Thomas, P. True and impartial journal of a voyage to the South-seas) Copy 2Item locationSchwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328

Longitud y latitud del Observatorio.


Bogota, Escuela tipografica salesiana, 1935.


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