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Atti del Congresso logica e filosofia della scienza, oggi : San Gimignano, 7-11 dicembre 1983 / organizzato dalla Società italiana di logica e filosofia delle scienze (SILFS).


Bologna : CLUEB, [1986]-


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Mathematical logic in Latin America : proceedings of the IV Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic held in Santiago, December 1978 / edited by A. I. Arruda, R. Chuaqui, N. C. A. da Costa.


Amsterdam ; New York : North-Holland Pub. Co. ; New York : sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North Holland, 1980.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJSE 81-621Item locationOffsite

Foundational studies : selected works / Andrzej Mostowski ; editorial committee, Kazimierz Kuratowski ... [et al.].


Amsterdam ; New York : North-Holland Pub. Co. ; New York : sole distributor for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland, 1979.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJSE 81-575 v. 2Item locationOffsite
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Selected works in logic. Ed. by Jens Erik Fenstad.


Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1970.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFF 70-63Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Classical theory of first order logic [by] A. Pampapathy Rao.


Simla, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 1970.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 71-1087Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Sets and logic [by] Samuel C. Hanna [and] John C. Saber.


Homewood, Ill., R. D. Irwin, 1971.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJSD 71-136Item locationOffsite

Les mathématiques à la portée de l'ordinateur. Préf. de J. Kuntzmann.


Paris, Dunod, 1970.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJSD 72-70Item locationOffsite

Recursive function theory and logic.


New York, Academic Press [1971]


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Mathematical logic with special reference to the natural numbers [by] S. W. P. Steen.


Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1972.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJSE 72-447Item locationOffsite

The logic plurality [by] J. E. J. Altham.


London, Methuen, 1971.


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New methods in symbolic logic [by] Gerald B. Standley.


Boston, Houghton Mifflin [1971]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFE 72-1050Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Prototractatus; an early version of Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Edited by B. F. McGuinness, T. Nyberg [and] G. H. von Wright, with a translation by D. F. Pears [and] B. F. McGuinness, an historical introd. by G. H. von Wright and a facsim. of the author's manuscript.


Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press [1971]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFF 72-460Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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George Boole; precursor de la lógica simbólica.


[Buenos Aires] Departamento de Filosofía, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires [1968]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 72-2786Item locationOffsite

Elementary logic.


New York, Oxford University Press, 1972.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFE 72-885Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Introduction to the basic concepts and problems of modern logic [by] G. Hasenjaeger. [Translated from the German by E. C. M. Mays]


Dordrecht-Holland, D. Reidel Pub. Co. [1972]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 72-5052Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Philosophische Grammatik. Hrsg. von Rush Rhees.


Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp (1969).


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 72-4249Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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An introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus [by] G. E. M. Anscombe. 4th ed.


London, Hutchinson [1971]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 72-4954Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Elements of set theory [by] Peter W. Zehna [and] Robert L. Johnson. 2d ed.


Boston, Allyn and Bacon [1972]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJSE 72-1080Item locationOffsite

A mathematical introduction to logic [by] Herbert B. Enderton.


New York, Academic Press [1972]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFE 72-2551Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Normative systems [by] Carlos E. Alchourrón and Eugenio Bulygin.


New York, Springer-Verlag, 1971.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJLE 73-358Item locationOffsite

Laws of form [by] G. Spencer Brown. [1st American ed.]


New York, Julian Press [1972]


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Logik. Mängdlära. Algebra. [Av] Stig Christofferson och Yngve Domar. 2. uppl.


Lund, Gleerup, 1970.


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Logică clasică si logică matematică.


Bucuresti, Editura stiintifică, 1971.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFC 73-363Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Introduction to mathematical logic. Translated from German by Diana Schmidt.


Berlin, New York, Springer-Verlag, 1973.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFF 73-587Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Logika formalna; systemy logiczne. Wstęp do metalogiki. [Wyd. 1.].


Warszawa, Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, 1970.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*QO 73-292Item locationOffsite

Formale und dialektische Logik in der Sowjetphilosophie.


Winterthur, H. Schellenberg, 1971.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 72-7342Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Logik-Texte, kommentierte Auswahl zur Geschichte der modernen Logik [hrsg. von] Karel Berka [und] Lothar Kreiser.


Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1971.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 73-204Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Combinatory logic [by] Haskell B. Curry [and] Robert Feys. With two sections by William Craig.


Amsterdam, North-Holland Pub. Co., 1958-72.


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Logique, automatique, informatique. [Recherches. Sous la direction de Gr. C. Moisil].


Bucarest, Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie, 1971.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJSE 73-605Item locationOffsite

Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik.


Braunschweig, F. Vieweg.

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Zur Geschichte der logischen Form.


Berlin, Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1973.


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Symbolic logic and mechanical theorem proving [by] Chin-liang Chang [and] Richard Char-tung Lee.


New York, Academic Press [1973]


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Logicheskie metody analiza i sinteza skhem. Izd. 2-e, pererabot. i dop.


Moskva, "Ėnergi︠i︡a," 1968.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*QH 73-271Item locationOffsite

Logica simbolică.


Bucuresti, Editura stiintifică, 1971.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFC 73-1417Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Betriebswirtschaftliche Logik. Symbolisierg log. Strukturen in betriebswirtschaftl. Theorieansätzen.


(Düsseldorf) Bertelsmann-Universitätsverl. (1971).


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Symbolic logic, by Clarence Irving Lewis and Cooper Harold Langford.


[New York] Dover Publications [1951]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 73-4743Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Symbolic logic. 2d ed., rev. and rewritten.


Bronx, N.Y., Chelsea Pub. Co. [1971]


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From mathematics to philosophy.


New York, Humanities Press, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul [1974]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 74-2609Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Studies in the history of mathematical logic. Edited by Stanisław J. Surma.


Wrocław, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 1973.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJSE 74-78Item locationOffsite

Formale Logik und Grammatik.


Tübingen, M. Niemeyer, 1972.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFE 73-952Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Annals of mathematical logic.


Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Co.


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Bedeutung und Notwendigkeit; eine Studie zur Semantik und modalen Logik. [Translator: Wilhelm Bader]


Wein, New York, Springer-Verlag, 1972.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFE 73-2234Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Logika w dowodzeniu i kierowaniu. Ze słowem wstęþnym Tadeusza Kotarbinskiego. [Wyd. 1.].


Warszawa, Wydawn. Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 1972.


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FormatTextCall number*QO 73-5580Item locationOffsite

Quantoren, Modalitäten, Paradoxien; Beiträge zur Logik. Hrsg. von Horst Wessel.


Berlin, Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1972.


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FormatTextCall numberJFD 73-7334Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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