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Les Transports maritimes / Département des statistiques des transports.


Paris : Le Département


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Far East shipping.


Colchester, UK ; New York, NY : Seatrade Publications, 1980-1984.


4 items

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FormatTextCall numberJLM 81-422 Library has: 1st ed. (1980/81)-4th ed. (1984). 4th ed. (1984)Item locationOffsite
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJLM 81-422 Library has: 1st ed. (1980/81)-4th ed. (1984). 3rd ed. (1983)Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJLM 81-422 Library has: 1st ed. (1980/81)-4th ed. (1984). 2nd ed. (1981/82)Item locationOffsite
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Liberty ships / John Gorley Bunker.


New York : Arno Press, 1980, c1972.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJFE 81-1312Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Marinha mercante no Brasil, uma opinião [por] J. C. de Macedo Soares Guimarães.


Rio de Janeiro, Liv. Francisco Alves, 1969.


2 items

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FormatTextCall numberJFE 71-73Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

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FormatTextCall numberJBE 91-125Item locationOffsite

The balance of payments and the U. S. merchant marine; a study.


Boston [1968]


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FormatTextCall numberJLF 71-216Item locationOffsite

Arrivals and departures by selected ports.



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FormatTextCall numberJFM 72 24 v. 1974-75Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJFM 72 24 v. 1970-73Item locationOffsite

Two if by sea.


Port Arthur, Tex., 7-Seas Press, 1970.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberILH 72-614Item locationSchwarzman Building - Milstein Division Room 121

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

The United States merchant marine in national perspective, [by] James R. Barker [and] Robert Brandwein.


Lexington, Mass., Heath Lexington Books [1970]


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJLE 72-563Item locationOffsite

Operation steel pike I. Hearings, Eighty-ninth Congress, first session. March 16, 17, 1965.


Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1965.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJLE 72-131Item locationOffsite

Vessel exchange authority extension. Hearings, Eighty-ninth Congress, first session June 8, 9, and 15, 1965.


Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1965.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJLE 72-111Item locationOffsite

International code of signals, as adopted by the fourth Assembly of the Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative Organization in 1965, for visual, sound, and radio communications. United States edition, 1969.


Washington, U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office; for sale by Supt. of Docs., U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968 [i.e. 1969]


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJSF 72-467Item locationOffsite

The sway of the grand saloon; a social history of the North Atlantic.


New York, Delacorte Press [1971]


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJLE 72-1095Item locationOffsite

Russian sea power.


Boston, Gambit, 1971.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJSE 72-761Item locationOffsite

Tanker & bulk carrier [microform].

[London, Terminus Publications]


5 items

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FormatCall number*ZAN-V673 v. 19 (May 1972-Apr. 1973)Item locationOffsite
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatCall numberJSP 72-232 v. 18 (May 1971-Apr. 1972)Item locationOffsite
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FormatCall numberJSP 72-231 v. 17 (May 1970-Apr 1971)Item locationOffsite

The Israel merchant marine; an economic appraisal.


Jerusalem, 1962.


3 items

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FormatTextCall numberJLE 73-379Item locationOffsite
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberE-12 1986Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberE-12 366Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Soviet seapower in the Caribbean: political and strategic implications. Edited by James D. Theberge.


New York, Praeger Publishers [1972]


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 73-776Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

The Merchant Navy journal.



9 items

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FormatTextCall numberTDRA+ (Merchant Navy journal) v. 29-31 (1967-1969)Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberTDRA+ (Merchant Navy journal) v. 25-28 (1963-1966)Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberTDRA+ (Merchant Navy journal) v. 23-24 (1961-1962)Item locationOffsite

Administrasjon og lederskap om bord. [Utg. av] Yrkesopplæringsrådet for håndverk og industri. [2. oppl.


Oslo] Universitetsforlaget. [1971, c1970]


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FormatTextCall numberJLD 73-2402Item locationOffsite

Liberty ships, the ugly ducklings of World War II, by John Gorley Bunker.


Annapolis, Naval Institute Press [1972]


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJFE 73-2269Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

Skibsfartens hvem-hvad-hvor. 2. udg. Red. og billedvalg: Hjalmar Petersen.


København, Politiken, 1971.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJLC 73-646Item locationOffsite

Soviet seapower in the Caribbean: political and strategic implications. Edited by James D. Theberge.


New York, Praeger Publishers [1972]


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberSc 359.03-S (Soviet seapower in the Caribbean)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.

The sway of the grand saloon; a social history of the North Atlantic.


[London] Mcmillan [1972]


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FormatTextCall numberJLE 74-263Item locationOffsite

The Dog watch.


Victoria, Australia : Shiplovers' Society of Victoria.


18 items

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FormatTextCall numberJSL 95-147 no. 66 (2009)Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJSL 95-147 no. 65 (2008)Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJSL 95-147 no. 64 (2007)Item locationOffsite





8 items

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FormatTextCall numberJLN 74-52 v. 30 (1975)Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJLN 74-52 v. 29 (1974)Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJLN 74-52 v. 28 (1973)Item locationOffsite

Transports maritimes; rapport du Comité.


[Paris. Documentation française, 1971]


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJLE 74-180Item locationOffsite

Kongeveien; Norsk skipsfart fra århundreskiftet til den annen verdenskrig.


Oslo, H. Aschehoug, 1973.


2 items

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FormatTextCall numberJLD 74-89 v.2Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJLD 74-89 v.1Item locationOffsite

Norwegian shipping in the national economy.


Bergen, Skipsfartsekonomisk institutt, 1971.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJLE 73-595Item locationOffsite




9 items

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberTRD (United States. Merchant Marine Council. Proceedings Library has: v. 1-28, no. 4; 1944-Apr. 1971. v. 26-28 : 1969-71Item locationOffsite
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberTRD (United States. Merchant Marine Council. Proceedings Library has: v. 1-28, no. 4; 1944-Apr. 1971. v. 23-25 : 1966-68Item locationOffsite
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberTRD (United States. Merchant Marine Council. Proceedings Library has: v. 1-28, no. 4; 1944-Apr. 1971. v. 20-22 : 1963-65Item locationOffsite





13 items

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJLL 74-445 v. 52, no. 4-6 (1995)Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJLL 74-445 v. 52, no. 1-3 (1995)Item locationOffsite
FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJLL 74-445 v. 50, no. 1-3 (1993), v. 51, no. 3 (1994)Item locationOffsite

Fra brigg til bulk.


Oslo, Gyldendal, 1969.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJSD 74-551Item locationOffsite

Vietnam-shipping policy review. Hearings, Eighty-ninth Congress, second session.


Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1966.


1 item

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJLE 70-294 Pt. 3Item locationOffsite

A new maritime program. Hearing, Ninetieth Congress, second session, on S. 2650 ... May 10, 1968.


Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968 [i.e. 1969]


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJLE 74-2139 (HSSL)Item locationOffsite

Naval & maritime history; an annotated bibliography.


Mystic, Conn., Munson Institute of American Maritime History, 1972.


2 items

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FormatTextCall numberJFF 75-1285Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall number*R-RMRR Z6834.H5 A4 1972Item locationSchwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 - Reference

Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

World ships on order.




5 items

FormatCall numberItem location
FormatTextCall numberJSP 75-322 v. 54-61 (1978-79)Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJSP 75-322 v. 42-53 (1975-77)Item locationOffsite
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FormatTextCall numberJSP 75-322 v. 30-41 (1972-74)Item locationOffsite

Półwiecze Polski na morzu. [Wyd. 1.].


Gdańsk, Wydawn. Morskie, 1970.


1 item

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FormatTextCall number*QO 73-5688Item locationOffsite

Merchant marine appropriations authorization. Hearings, Ninetieth Congress, second session, on S. 3016 ... April 9 and 10, 1968.


Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968.


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJLE 74-2408 (HSSL)Item locationOffsite

Barcos y pueblos.


Montevideo, UCOMAR [1972]


1 item

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FormatTextCall numberJLB 73-83Item locationOffsite

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