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The raven [microform] : a melodrama / Edgar Allan Poe ; Arthur Bergh ; for recitation with piano (or orchestra).
Notated music
[ca. 1910]
2 items
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatMicroform | Call numberJOG 72-81 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Not available - Please for assistance.
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatMicroform | Call number*ZBT-410 no. 14 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
The lost flute, for narrator and orchestra [by] Alexander Tcherepnin. Version for narrator, piano and percussion.
Notated music
New York, A. Templeton [c1956]
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 72-477 | Item locationOffsite |
The jungle book; a suite based on Rudyard Kipling's tales, for narrator and orchestra.
Notated music
New York, Broude Bros [1972]
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 72-546 | Item locationOffsite |
How pleasant to know Mr. Lear, for narrator and orchestra.
Notated music
London, United Music Publishers [c1972]
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 73-451 | Item locationOffsite |
In memory of Lenin; heroic poem for reciter and full symphony orchestra [by] V. Yurovsky. Verses by V. Mayakovsky.
Notated music
Moscow, Soviet Composer, 1974.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 74-561 | Item locationOffsite |
Green water; symphonic sketch for orchestra and narrator. Poem by John Wheeler.
Notated music
[Sydney, J. Albert, c1969]
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 74-436 | Item locationOffsite |
Christ in concrete, op. 6. Text by Piero [sic] Di Donato from his best-seller by the same title.
Notated music
New York, Okra Music Corp. [c1967]
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 75-109 | Item locationOffsite |
Ballada česka; melodram na slova Jana Nerudy. Pro velký orchestr. Klavírní výtah upravil skladebel. [Op. 8]
Notated music
Praha, M. Urbánek [190- ?]
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 75-963 | Item locationOffsite |
Trauermusik (1974) für rituelles Schlagzeug, Flöte, Klarinette, Fagott, Streichorchester und Sprechstimme, ad lib.
Notated music
Zürich, Edition Eulenburg [c1974]
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 75-517 | Item locationOffsite |
Four orchestral works / Sergei Prokofiev ; selected and edited by Lewis Roth. -
Notated music
New York ; Dover Publications, 1974.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 75-544 | Item locationOffsite |
Pierre et le loup; conte symphonique pour enfants [par] Serge Prokofieff, op. 67.
Notated music
Moscou Éditions de musique de l'URSS, 1940.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 76-924 | Item locationOffsite |
Not available - In use until 2024-04-11 - Please for assistance.
Lincoln portrait, for speaker and orchestra.
Notated music
[New York,] Boosey & Hawkes [c1943]
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 76-202 | Item locationOffsite |
Die betrunkene Sonne; ein Melodram für Kinder, für Sprecher und Orchester: Text von Sarah Kirsch.
Notated music
Leipzig, Edition Peters [c1975]
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 77-21 | Item locationOffsite |
The frog prince / Paul Nordoff.
Notated music
New York : American Music Edition c1957.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 77-31 | Item locationOffsite |
Not available - In use until 2024-04-25 - Please for assistance.
Symphonia humana.
Notated music
Riga, Liesma, 1976.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 78-134 | Item locationOffsite |
The trumpet of the swan : for narrator and orchestra / Benjamin Lees ; narration by E. B. White, based on his book of the same title. -
Notated music
London ; New York : Boosey & Hawkes, [c1976]
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNF 80-68 | Item locationOffsite |
Paunvere; süit sümfooniaorkestrile ja lugejale. Enn Vetemaa kirjandus kompositsioon Oskar Lutsu jutustse Kevad aineil. Tôlge I Apananski.
Notated music
Moskva, Muzyka, 1964.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMD 77-192 | Item locationOffsite |
Peter and the wolf; a musical tale by Serge Prokofieff, op. 67. Piano score by Felix Guenther. Illustrated by Richard Erdoes.
Notated music
New York, Mercury Music Corp. [c1940]
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 77-70 | Item locationOffsite |
Notated music
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJPB 80-32 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Drakestail : a symphonic fairy tale for children / by Mario Lombardo ; narration adapted from a French fairy tale by Adele Lombardo.
Notated music
[New York] : Chappell Music Co., [1976, c1974]
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNF 78-53 | Item locationOffsite |
Erik's wonderbaarliike reis : instrumentale opera voor jeugd, vrij naar Erik van Godfried Bomans : voor verteller en orkest, 1979 / Willem Frederik Bon.
Notated music
Amsterdam : Donemus, [c1979]
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMH 81-14 | Item locationOffsite |
Night voices : for narrator, optional children's chorus, and orchestra / David Epstein.
Notated music
New York : C.Fischer, c1979.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 81-440 | Item locationOffsite |
Dobryĭ za︠i︡a︠t︡s i drugie obitateli lesa : simfonicheska︠i︡a skazka dl︠i︡a deteĭ : partitura / V. Uspenskiĭ ; poėticheskiĭ tekst T. Kalininoĭ.
Notated music
Leningrad : Sov. kompozitor, Leningradskoe otd-nie, 1980.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 81-749 | Item locationOffsite |
Night voices : for narrator, optional children's chorus, and orchestra / David Epstein ; text by Anne Epstein ; piano reduction.
Notated music
New York : C.Fischer, c1979.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 81-290 | Item locationOffsite |
Musik til Fyrtøjet af H.C. Andersen = Music to The tinder box by H.C. Andersen : op. 61 / Poul Schierbeck ; klaverudtog.
Notated music
Copenhagen : W. Hansen, c1974.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 83-374 | Item locationOffsite |
GAGE : a Christmas story / Seymour Barab ; piano reduction.
Notated music
New York (866 3rd Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022) : G. Schirmer, c1983.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 90-30 | Item locationOffsite |
Pokhozhdeni︠i︡a bravogo soldata Shveĭka : simfonicheskie zarisovki / V. ︠T︡Sytovich.
Notated music
Leningrad : Muzyka, 1970.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 81-537 \ | Item locationOffsite |
Das Eleusische Fest, op. 9, no. 2 / Max Schillings ; [Text von] Fr. von Schiller.
Notated music
Berlin : Ed. Bote & G. Bock, c1900.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 89-384 | Item locationOffsite |
Prince Chocolat : Musikmärchen in fünf Episoden, für Sprecher und Orchester (oder Orchester allein), op. 66 = music tale in five episodes, for speaker and orchestra (or orchestra alone), op. 66 / von Gottfried von Einem ; Text von Lotte Ingrisch ; English version by Susanne Harpner.
Notated music
Wien : Universal Edition, c1982.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 88-1522 | Item locationOffsite |
Medea : Melodram / Jiří Benda.
Notated music
Praha : Editio Supraphon, 1976.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 90-244 | Item locationOffsite |
Verses from a children's book [sound recording] : narrator & orchestra / Samuel S. Ensor.
1 item
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FormatMusical recording | Call number*LT-7 2037 | Item locationOffsite |
Not available - Please for assistance.
Palinode : for computer and orchestra / Charles Dodge. Intermedio : for soprano and string orchestra / Yehudi Wyner. Marriage at the Eiffel Tower : for two narrators and orchestra / Lou Harrison. Symphony no. 3 / Wallingford Riegger [sound recording].
1 item
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FormatMusical recording | Call number*LTC 148 (F) (Program filed in listening room) | Item locationOffsite |
Not available - Please for assistance.
In memoriam J.F.K. [sound recording] / William Sydeman.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatMusical recording | Call number*LT-7 2194 (Program notes shelved with recording) | Item locationOffsite |
Not available - Please for assistance.
The bluebird : seven scenes from Maeterlinck / Morris Mamorsky ; narration edited by Thomas K. Scherman.
Notated music
1 item
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FormatManuscript notated music | Call numberJNG 85-162 | Item locationOffsite |
Sagan om Snövit = Snow-White : for narrator and orchestra, 1981 / Björn Hallman ; English translation, Alan Blair.
Notated music
Stockholm : Gehrmans musikförlag, c1981.
2 items
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMH 87-158 | Item locationOffsite |
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMH 87-158 | Item locationOffsite |
Guldhornene : op. 11 / digt af Oehlenschläger ; komponeret som melodrama af J.P.E. Hartmann.
Notated music
Kobenhavn : W. Hansen, [18--?]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic (Sheet) 86-133 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Peter and the wolf : a musical tale for children for narrator and orchestra, op. 67 = Peter und der Wolf : ein musikalsiches Märchen fur Sprecher und Orchester / Serge Prokofiev ; text by the composer ; English version by Rita McAllister ; deutsche Textfassung von Christoph Rueger.
Notated music
London ; New York : E. Eulenburg, c1985.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMC 87-185 | Item locationOffsite |
Symphonisch gedicht : De legende van het Solsche Gat : voor spreekstem en orkest, op. 9 1985 / Marc van Delft.
Notated music
Amsterdam : Donemus, c1985.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMH 88-59 | Item locationOffsite |
Hölderlin-Report / Thomas Hertel ; Libretto von Karla Kochta.
Notated music
Leipzig : Deutscher Verlag für Musik, 1982.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 86-361 | Item locationOffsite |
Patrick Henry : Give me liberty or give me death / René G. Varlay ; orch. by Richard Hayman.
Notated music
Montross, VA : R. G. Varlay, c1975.
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FormatManuscript notated music | Call numberJNF 86-153 | Item locationOffsite |
Trunks! : a circus story for narrator & orchestra / story & music by Robert X. Rodriguez ; piano/narrator score.
Notated music
New York : Galaxy Music, c1987.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 89-261 | Item locationOffsite |
The snowman : for narrator, boy soprano and orchestra = Der Schneemann / music and words by Howard Blake ; based on the picture book by Raymond Briggs.
Notated music
London : Highbridge Music, 1984, c1983.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 89-865 | Item locationOffsite |
Die Arche Noah : eine Geschichte für Orchester und Erzähler = Noah's ark : a story for orchestra and narrator = L'arche de Noé : une histoire pour orchestre et narrateur / Stanley Weiner.
Notated music
Hamburg : H. Sikorski, c1980.
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 86-156 | Item locationOffsite |
Paddington Bear's first concert / story by Michael Bond ; music by Herbert Chappell ; arranged by the composer for narrator and piano ; cover illustration by Chris White.
Notated music
London : Chester Music ; [New York : W. Hansen/Chester Music], c1987.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 88-1078 | Item locationOffsite |
Der Lord und das kleine Schlossgespenst : eine Gespenstergeschichte mit Musik : für Junge und nicht mehr so junge Leute : Op. 66, März 1987 / Walter J. Divossen.
Notated music
Bonn : Musik-Edition Walter J. Divossen, c1987.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 88-791 | Item locationOffsite |
Der Lord und das kleine Schlossgespenst : eine Gespenstergeschichte mit Musik : für junge und nicht mehr so junge Leute : op. 66, März 1987 / Walter J. Divossen ; mit Zeichnungen von Jan Bazing.
Bonn : Musik-Edition Walter J. Divossen, c1987.
1 item
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FormatBook/Text | Call numberJMF 88-792 | Item locationOffsite |
Bigger and better : from "Tales of rhyme and reason / Seymour Barab ; vocal score.
Notated music
[U.S.A.] : Boosey & Hawkes, c1988.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 90-379 | Item locationOffsite |
How David made an orchestra : an entertainment for narrator and orchestra / words and music by James Turner.
Notated music
[England?] : Thames : Trade distribution, G. Schirmer, c1984.
2 items
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 90-621 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 90-621 | Item locationOffsite |
The day the orchestra played : a fantasy for narrator and orchestra / music by John Cacavas ; text and narration by Charles O. Wood.
Notated music
New York : Boosey and Hawkes, [196-?]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNH 90-14 | Item locationOffsite |
Werther : melologo in due parti da Goethe / Gaetano Pugnani ; ricostruzione di Alberto Basso ; revisione di Ruggero Maghini.
Notated music
Milano : Suvini Zerboni, 1985.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 90-328 | Item locationOffsite |