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The best of Scott Joplin; a collection of original ragtime piano compositions.
Notated music
[New York, C. Hansen Music and Books, 1972]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNF 73-74 | Item locationOffsite |
The best of ragtime favorites & how to play them.
Notated music
New York, C. Hansen [197-?]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNF 73-130 | Item locationOffsite |
Three novelty rags, for piano.
Notated music
Paris, Société des éditions Jobert; sole representative for U. S. A.: T. Presser Co., Bryn Mawr, Pa. [1973]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 74-346 | Item locationOffsite |
Six blues-roots pianists; [a thorough guide to early blues piano styles with instruction, historical notes, discography, and complete music transcriptions of boogie woogie, barrelhouse, and ragtime soloes. Based on recordings by six old blues masters].
Notated music
New York, Oak Publications [1973]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNF 75-81 | Item locationOffsite |
Piano ragtime; a musical and cultural study, by Edward A. Berlin.
[New York] 1976.
0 resources
Ben Harney's rag time instructor; the only book of its kind published, giving full instructions how to play rag time. Also, new selections in rag time arranged especially by Theo. H. Northrup.
Chicago, S. Bloom [1897?]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatMicroform | Call number*ZB-573 reel 2 (nos. 45-58) | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.
Ragtime rarities: complete original music for 63 piano rags / selected and with an introd. by Trebor Jay Tichenor.
Notated music
New York: Dover Publications, c1975.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 76-225 | Item locationOffsite |
Sincerely, Eubie Blake : 9 original compositions for piano solo / transcribed by Terry Waldo.
Notated music
Brooklyn, N.Y. : Eubie Blake Music, ©1975.
2 items
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 76-352 | Item locationOffsite |
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 16-363 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.
The Ragtime women. [Sound recording]
Vanguard VSD 79402. p1977.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatMusical recording | Call number*LSRX 3981 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound
The Ragtime current; piano solos by a mainstream of today's ragtime composers; selected (with descriptive notes) by Rudi Blesh.
Notated music
[New York] E. B. Marks Music Corp. [exclusive distributor: Belwin Mills Pub. Corp., Melville, N. Y.] c1976.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 78-43 | Item locationOffsite |
Ken Werner plays the piano music of Bix Beiderbecke, Duke Ellington, George Gershwin, James P. Johnson. [Sound recording]
Finnadar SR 9019. p1978.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatMusical recording | Call number*LSRX 5145 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound
Ragtime rediscoveries : 64 works from the golden age of rag / selected and with an introd. by Trebor Jay Tichenor.
Notated music
New York : Dover Publications, c1979.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 80-133 | Item locationOffsite |
Addenda [sound recording]
Folkways Records FJ 2811. [1958]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatMusical recording | Call number*LRX 5540 v. 11 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound
A rag bag: for piano / by Robert Waldman ; [illustrated by Isadore Seltzer].
Notated music
New York : G. Schirmer, c1977.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 80-77 | Item locationOffsite |
Ragtime : 100 rags / [compiled and edited by David A. Jasen].
Notated music
New York : Big 3 Music Corp., c1979.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 80-294 | Item locationOffsite |
An evening with Scott Joplin [sound recording] : at the Library & Museum of the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center, New York, October 22, 1971.
New York : New York Public Library, 1972.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatMusical recording | Call number*LSRX 8624 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound
Etude : no. 8, piano, 1976 : Ragtime/ Sas Bunge.
Notated music
Amsterdam : Denomus, [1978]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic (Sheet) 82-206 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Bittersweet rag / Stephen Chatman.
Notated music
Toronto : Berandol Music, c1979.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMF 81-894 | Item locationOffsite |
Collaboration rags : six piano rags / Scott Joplin ; with Scott Hayden ... [et al.].
Notated music
Borough Green, Kent : Paxton, [197-]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNF 81-194 | Item locationOffsite |
The complete works of Scott Joplin / edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence ; editorial consultant, Richard Jackson ; introduction by Rudi Blesh.
Notated music
New York : The New York Public Library, 1981.
7 items
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberSc G 82-17 v. 2 | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 82-213 v. 2 | Item locationOffsite |
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call number*HND+ (N.Y.P.L.) 72-172 v. 2 rev. ed | Item locationOffsite |
Three rags : for piano : (1978) / Peter Howard.
Notated music
New York : G. Schirmer, 1979.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 82-300 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
The dream rags : for piano / by William Albright.
Notated music
New York, N.Y. : E.B. Marks Music ; Melville, N.Y. : exclusive distributor, Belwin Mills, c1980.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 82-166 | Item locationOffsite |
Tricky fingers : a classical ragtime piano solo / by Eubie Blake.
Notated music
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatManuscript notated music | Call numberJPB 83-79 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Charleston rag : former [sic] called Sounds of Africa / by Eubie Blake.
Notated music
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatManuscript notated music | Call numberJPB 83-78 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Moose rag / by Ted. Johnson.
Notated music
Erie, Pa. : Brehm Bros., c1910.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 85-335 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Piano ragtime : 1983 / Carlo Galante.
Notated music
Milano : Suvini Zerboni, c1983.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic (Sheet) 89-5484 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" Morton : the collected piano music / [edited by] James Dapogny.
Notated music
Washington D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press ; [S.l.] : G. Schirmer, c1982.
2 items
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberSc F 86-170 | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNF 84-8 | Item locationOffsite |
Ragtimes : für Klavier : for piano / Scott Joplin ; herausgegeben von Eberhardt Klemm.
Notated music
Leipzig : Edition Peters, c1977-1979.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNF 83-115 | Item locationOffsite |
Three American dances : for two pianos, four hands / Henry F. Gilbert ; August M. Wegner, arr.
Notated music
New York : G. Schirmer, c1984.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNF 88-252 | Item locationOffsite |
Zig zag : cake walk : two-step march / by Cloyd H. Duncan.
Notated music
[S.l. : s.n.], c1902.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 86-940 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
The Poltergeist : rag fantasy : piano solo / William Bolcom.
Notated music
New York : E.B. Marks Music ; Melville, N.Y. : Belwin Mills [distributor], c1981.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 84-899 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Three classical rags for piano / Peter Howard.
Notated music
New York : G. Schirmer, c1984.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 86-318 | Item locationOffsite |
Ragtime piano revival [sound recording] / compiled & annotated by David A. Jasen.
New York, N.Y. : Folkways, c1983.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatMusical recording | Call number*LSRX 13761 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound
American piano music [sound recording].
[New York, N.Y.?] : Grenadilla Records, c1977.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatMusical recording | Call number*LSRX 11520 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound
Three original rags : piano solo / William Albright.
Notated music
[United States] : Henmar Press ; New York : Sole selling agents, C. F. Peters, c1985.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 86-331 | Item locationOffsite |
Women composers of ragtime : a collection of six selected rags by women composers, reprinted from the original sheet music / compiled and introduced by Carolynn A. Lindemann.
Notated music
Bryn Mawr, Pa. : T. Presser, c1985.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 85-154 | Item locationOffsite |
Aunt Mandy's wedding march : (cake walk) / by Will. H. Tyers.
Notated music
New York : J. W. Stern, c1899.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 85-530 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Black Cinderella cake walk : a rag-time two step / by Florence Wood.
Notated music
Toledo, O[hio] : McCormick Music, c1900.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 85-532 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Rag-knots : a cake walk and two-step / composed by W.C. Coleman ; [arr. by A.B. Kidd].
Notated music
Galveston : T. Goggan, c1899.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 86-693 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
The 'possum barbecue : rag two-step / by John Martin.
Notated music
New York : S. Brainard's Sons, c1899.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 88-776 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Seben come eleben : rag two step / by W.J. Bay.
Notated music
New York : S. Brainard's Sons, c1899.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 88-778 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Ragtime : op. 28 : per pianoforte : (1986) / Luca Mosca.
Notated music
Milano : Zerboni, c1986.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic (Sheet) 88-34 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
More noise rag : march two-step / by Louis Mentel.
Notated music
Cincinnati, O[hio] : Mentel Bros., c1909.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 87-589 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Meditation on Haydn's name : 1982 ; Relativity rag : 1984 : studies for solo piano / George Benjamin.
Notated music
London : Faber Music ; New York : G. Schirmer [distributor], c1986.
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJMG 89-902 | Item locationOffsite |
Ragtime, novelty & jazz piano solos / Zez Confrey ; introduction by David A. Jasen ; edited by Ronny S. Schiff.
Notated music
Melville, N.Y. : Belwin Mills [1982]
1 item
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FormatNotated music | Call numberJNG 86-143 | Item locationOffsite |
Three more rags : for piano (1979) / Peter Howard.
Notated music
New York : G. Schirmer, c1981.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 89-26 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Leningrad rag : for piano / Phillip Ramey.
Notated music
[New York] : Edward B. Marks Music Corporation, [1974]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic (Sheet) 23-198 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Russell Street rag : opus 5 / by Gary Noland.
Notated music
Cambridge, MA : Freeland Publications, 1986, c1975.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberMusic-Am. (Sheet) 90-136 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Digital ragtime [sound recording] : music of Scott Joplin.
Hollywood, Calif. : Angel Records, p1980.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatMusical recording | Call number*LSRX 8221 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound |
Available by appointment at Performing Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound
That old second-Viennese-school rag / Thomas Benjamin.
Notated music
Valley Forge, Pa. : Published for the American Society of University Composers by European American Music, 1986, c1977.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatNotated music | Call numberJMM 76-29 v. 15 | Item locationPerforming Arts Research Collections - Music |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.