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Ampheion : ereuna kai meletē tou mnēmeiou tou Ampheiou Thevōn / eisagōgē, anaskaphē, morphologia, chronologēsis Theodōrou G. Spyropoulou.


Spartē : [s.n.], 1981.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFE 84-3325Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315
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A celebration of death : an introduction to some of the buildings, monuments, and settings of funerary architecture in the Western European tradition / James Stevens Curl.


New York : Scribner, 1980.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberMRIF 81-1135Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300

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Antique tombs in Bulgaria / Hristo Danov, Teofil Ivanov.


[Sofia] : Sofia Press, 1980.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberMAE+ 81-1292Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300

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Königsgrabkirchen der Franken, Angelsachsen und Langobarden bis zur Mitte des 8. Jahrhunderts; ein historischer Katalog.


München, W. Fink, 1971.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFF 72-76Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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The tombs of Mesara: a study of funerary architecture and ritual in Southern Crete, 2800-1700 B.C.


London, Duckworth, 1970.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFE 72-898Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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La Tomba del tuffatore. La scoperta della grande pittura greca ...


Bari, De Donato, 1970.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberMLP 72-1669Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300

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Le Necropoli rupestri dell'Etruria meridionale.


[Rome], 1970-


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Le tombe da Monte Michele nel Museo archeologico di Firenze.


Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 1969.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberMPEK+ 73-1330Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300

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Les tombeaux de Saint-Martin de Montmorency, par René Baillargeat et Paulette Regnault.


Paris, A. et J. Picard, 1972.


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FormatTextCall numberJFE 73-3463Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Le cimetière barbare de Réville, Manche (VIe et VIIe siècles) fouilles 1959-1966.


Caen [Caren] 1973.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFG 74-89Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Las cuevas sepulcrales del bronce antiguo de Mallorca.


Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Español de Prehistoria, 1968.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFG 74-103Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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The Dhahr Mirzbâneh tombs; three intermediate bronze age cemeteries in Jordan.


New Haven, American Schools of Oriental Research, 1966.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*OFG 74-823Item locationOffsite

The proto-historic graveyards of Swāt (Pakistan) [by] C. Silvi Antonini [and] G. Stacul.


Rome, IsMEO, 1972.


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Les tombes du roi Cyirima Rujugira et de la reine-mère Nyirayuhi Kanjogera. Description archèologique. [Par] Francis L. van Noten.


Tervuren, Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale, 1972.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberM-11 1925 no. 77 no. 77-78Item locationOffsite

Das Grabmal van Kasanlak. [Aus dem bulgarischen Manuskript übers. von Willi Brückner] Farbaufnahmen: Julian Tomanov.


Recklinghausen, A. Bongers [1973]


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FormatBook/TextCall number3-MLP+ 75-217Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300

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Les pierres levées; portes de la vie.


Paris, Julliard [1973]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 75-4058Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Vetulonia e la sua necropoli antichissima. Ed. anastatica.


Roma, "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 1965.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFG 75-86Item locationOffsite

The iron age necropolis of Sorbo at Cerveteri.


Stockholm; Lund, Paul Åström (Sölveg. 2) (distr.), 1972.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberMTTA (Svenska institutet i Rom. Skrifter, 32)Item locationOffsite

Topographical bibliography of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, reliefs, and paintings, by Bertha Porter and Rosalind L. B. Moss, assisted by Ethel W. Burney.


Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1960-


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FormatBook/TextCall number*OBI 86-870 v. 3 pt. 2Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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FormatCall numberItem location
FormatBook/TextCall number*OBI 86-870 v. 3 pt. 1Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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FormatBook/TextCall number*OBI 86-870 v. 2Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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La necropoli anulare di Orvieto. -


Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 1972-74.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFM 75-246 v. 2Item locationOffsite
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Barrow, pyramid, and tomb : ancient burial customs in Egypt, the Mediterranean, and the British Isles / Leslie V. Grinsell.


London : Thames and Hudson, [1975]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFE 75-3057Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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A community of workmen at Thebes in the Ramesside period.


[Le Caire] Institut français d'archéologie orientale [1973]


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FormatBook/TextCall number*OBQ+ 73-2731 t. 50 t. 50Item locationOffsite

La normandie souterraine; ou, Notices sur des cimetières romains et des cimetières francs explorés en Normandie, par M. l'abbé Cochet.


27 Brionne, Le Portulan, 1970.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 75-8004Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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The development of the funerary beliefs and practices displayed in the private tombs of the New Kingdom at Thebes.


Cairo, General Organisation for Govt. Print. Offices, 1966.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*OBZ 75-1845Item locationOffsite

The terrace of the great God at Abydos: the offering chapels of dynasties 12 and 13.


New Haven, Peabody Museum of Natural History of Yale University, 1974.


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Thrakisches Gräberfeld der Hallstattzeit im Chotin.


Bratislava, Vyd. Slovenskej akadémie vied, 1966.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFF 75-1528Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Le cimetière burgonde de Monnet-la-Ville / par Claude Mercier et Monique Mercier-Rolland.


Paris : Belles Lettres, 1974.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberM-10 6140 [no.] 156 v. 155-158Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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La tombe de Ḥay à Deir el-Médineh. [No 267]


Cairo, Institut français d'archéologie orientale [1975]


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FormatBook/TextCall number*OBKG+ 76-601 t. 95 t. 95Item locationOffsite

Les transformations de l'architecture funéraire en Imerina (Madagascar) / Jean-François Le Bras.


Tananarive : Musée d'art et d'archéologie de l'Université de Madagascar, 1971.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFF 76-1179Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Le cimetière de Lavoye Meuse : nécropole mérovingienne / René Joffroy.


Paris : A. & J. Picard, 1974.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFF 76-1210Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Tombes géométriques d'Argos / par Paul Courbin.


Paris : J. Vrin, 1974-


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FormatBook/TextCall numberM-10 4588 [t.]7 Library has: [Vol] 1 no. 6-7Item locationOffsite

Boǧazköy-Hattuša; Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen des Deutschen archäeologischen Instituts und der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in den Jahren, 1931-1939. [Hrsg. von Kurt Bittel.]


Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 1952-


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FormatBook/TextCall number*OAA+ (Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft, Berlin. Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen, 63, 71, 74-76, 81, 87-88) v. 88Item locationOffsite

La Cappella di Maia.


Torino, Museo egizio, 1970.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberMAF 74-430 n. 1-7.Item locationOffsite

Una stirpe di pittori a Tebe.


[Torino] Edizioni d'arte fratelli Pozzo [1972]


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FormatBook/TextCall numberMAF 74-430 n. 1-7.Item locationOffsite

The vaulted tombs of Mesará; [translated from the Greek by J. P. Droop]. [1st ed., reprinted]; with a new introduction and additional bibliography by Keith Branigan.


Farnborough, Gregg, 1971.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFE 77-412Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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The mastaba of Khentika called Ikhekhi, by T. G. H. James, with the collaboration of M. R. Apted.


London, Sold at the offices of the Egyptian [i. e. Egypt] Exploration Society, 1953.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*OBL+ (Egypt Exploration Society. Archaeological Survey of Egypt. Memoir, 30) v. 30 (1953)Item locationOffsite

The Royal Tomb at el-ʻAmarna / Geoffrey Thorndike Martin.


London : Egypt Exploration Society, 1974-1989.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*OBL+ (Egypt Exploration Society. Archaeological Survey of Egypt. Memoir,35, 39) v. 35 Item locationOffsite

Hysterominōikoi taphoi limenos Knōsou (Katsampa) hypo stylianou Alexiou.


En Athēnais, 1967.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFF 75-341Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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Die religiöse Bedeutung der sogenannten Grabräuberschächte in den ägyptischen Königsgräbern der 18. bis 20. Dynastie.


Wiesbaden, O. Harrassowitz, 1974.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*OBH (Ägyptologische Abhandlungen, Bd. 26) Bd. 26-28Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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The art of the shaft graves of Mycenae : delivered April 30 and May 1, 1973, the University of Cincinnati / by Emily Townsend Vermeule.


Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1975.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberJFD 76-2972Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

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South Indian megalithic burials : the Pandukal complex / Lawrence S. Leshnik.


Wiesbaden : Steiner, 1974.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*OHN 76-1539Item locationOffsite

Barrow, pyramid, and tomb : ancient burial customs in Egypt, the Mediterranean, and the British Isles / Leslie V. Grinsell.


Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, 1975.


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FormatBook/TextCall numberSc 393-G (Grinsell, L. V. Barrow, pyramid, and tomb)Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference

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Le Tombeau de Ti.


Le Caire, Impr. de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1966.


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FormatBook/TextCall number*OBKG+ 76-601 t. 65 t. 65Item locationOffsite

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