Vida de San Felipe de Jesus Protomartir del Japon y Patron de su Patria México
This suite of prints tells the story of Saint Philip of Jesus (1572–1597), the first Mexican saint. Published as part of a campaign for his canonization, the images represent key moments in his life: his birth, his temptations, donning the Franciscan habit—and his martyrdom in Nagasaki, Japan, alongside 25 other Catholic missionaries. They were executed by crucifixion in an effort to protect Japanese culture from the spread of Christianity. Today Philip of Jesus is the patron saint of both Mexico City and Nagasaki.
The prints together constitute the first fully illustrated book printed in the Americas. More recently, scholars are considering it to be the first comic book created in Mexico. Hand-colored copies like this one are rare.
: The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs, Print Co…
Currently on View at Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
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