Teshuvot she’elot
Solomon ben Abraham ben Adret, 1235–1310
Teshuvot she’elot (Questions Answers)
Rome: Obadiah, Menasheh and Benjamin of Rome, ca. 1469–72
This book of Teshuvot she’elot (Questions Answers), or responsa, was printed between approximately 1469 and 1472, making it one of the earliest Hebrew incunabula. It is the only one with a confirmed place of publication in Rome. The title page (seen here) is very simple, which was typical for printed Hebrew books of this period. It features the title of the work and the name of its author on the top, followed immediately by the beginning of the actual text, which consists of a numbered list of questions to the author. Adret was known as “The Rabbi of Spain,” in recognition of his exceptional wisdom and knowledge of halacha. Responsa was a popular genre of rabbinical literature that addressed real-life questions emerging from daily situations. The title page and the page facing it contain extensive handwritten commentaries by a previous owner of the book.
The New York Public Library believes that this item is in the public domain under the laws of the United States, but did not make a determination as to its copyright status under the copyright laws of other countries. This item may not be in the public domain under the laws of other countries.